Chapter 33

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~~Izuku's POV~~

When I woke up the next morning my stomach was hurting bad and I felt extremely hot so I slipped out of bed and slowly started to shed the clothes off but as soon as I got my pj pants off I started to get the feeling of wanting to make a nest so I crawled over to the dirty clothes basket and drag it back to the bed to dump it all out then sluggishly went to the closet and yanked the door open and started to drag out all of mine and Yamada's clothes then back to the bed and started to make a nest with everything

Once my nest was done I was sit in the middle of it and started to loudly chirp to get Yamada's attention which worked because he soon came in with Rose and Ivy behind him but they stopped at the door and wouldn't come in while he walked closer to the bed

"Look at that my baby made a beautiful nest"

My tail started to slowly sway as I slightly moved "my beautiful baby has gone into heat" I tilted my head to the side as I looked at him "he-heat what's that" he sighed and say down on the bed as he caressed my cheek while pulling his phone out to call someone

I didn't care I just nuzzled into his and started to rub against it with my tail twitching and wagging

~~3rd POV~~

As izuku was rubbing himself against Yamada's hand while purring he called Nezu to tell him that he won't be able to make it to for a few days

"Yea as I said Izuku has gone into heat and has already made a nest"

"Ok I'll have someone takes over for you class for the new few days"

Without replying back yamada quickly hang up his phone and setting down on the nightstand and looking back at his omega who was still purring while rubbing up against his hand

"Now Izu I want to make sure your giving me concent"

The omega looked at him in confusion as he tilted  his head to the "why wouldn't I be your my alpha, my mate" the alpha sighed as he took his shirt off "just because i'm your mate doesn't mean you always have to give me concent, you can tell me no" the omega shook his head before pulling the alpha into the nest

"Hurry up a fuck me alpha"

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