Chapter 17

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~~Izuku's POV~~

Once Lunch had came around I grabbed my bag which had mine and Yamada's lunch in it and went towards his class room but as I was doing so I was passing a bunch of students who were staring at me

-are they staring at me because I'm an omega or because I'm new-

As I made it to his classroom I heard him talking to someone so I walked in and lightly knocked on the door "ahh baby I'm glad your here I would for you to meet Monoma you'll be tutoring him" I looked at him shocked while Monoma had a disgusted look on his face.

"You want an omega to tutoring one the top students in class 1B"

Yamada laughed "your failing math and he's great at math" he looked andni saw nothing but angery and disgust in his eyes "like hell an om-" before he could say anything he was floating up towards the ceiling.Yamada got up from his seat and came up to me.

"the 'omega' you speak of is my mate Izuku and he has more then 1 quirk so I suggest you keep that tongue in your mouth"

He started to massage my shoulders "just like we practice" with a small nod I start to slowly lower Monoma to the ground but when he was a few inches away from it I acted like I lost control and made him drop to floor with a thud.

He got up with a mad face "fine" he walked out of the room "what are you doing here baby" I smiled and skipped over to my bag "Kaachan made us lunch" I pulled out our food and set it down on his desk "let's eat" he had a smirk as he came over to me.

~~time skip~~

Once school had ended I was told to go to Recover Girl so she could help me with my healing quirk but Shinso had decided to accompany me.

"Why are you going with me"

I glanced at him and he his usual blank face on "whose going to carry you back to the dorms when you over use your quirk" -he has a good point- I smiled at him. "thank you Shin-nii" he turned his head away and my guess is to try and hide his blush "your not that good at hiding your blush the tip of your ears are red to".

He turns his head so fast I thought he was going to get whip lash which made me laugh but as I was laughing I bumped into someone who was giving off alpha pheromones.

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