Chapter 16

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~~Izuku's POV~~

After he got dressed we made our way to the kitchen to get our food but just as we made it to the steps I hwar Shin-nii calling out to me so I turned around and grabbed his hand as we made our way down the stairs "did you enjoy your time catching up with Kaachan" I smiled "Kaachan has a mate".

I saw his eyes widen and go back to normal "didn't expect that" I smiled and nodded but it faded as soon as we stepped off of the steps because we quickly bombarded with questions from everyone.

Without realizing it I made me and Shinso float tile Kaachan called out my name which brought me back which also made me lose focus and we fell on the couches.

"Fucking extras leave them alone"

I groaned as I pulled myself off of Shinso's lap while he was just rubbing his head "you've gotten a little better but you need to control it more" I smiled sheepishly as i rubbed the back of my neck.

"sorry nii-chan"

We heard chuckling so I looked up and saw both of our mates standing their with a smile "you have gotten better but we'll train you more" I smiled "are you going to come eat or not" I smiled and turned to climb over the couch but Shin-nii tried to protest against it but I did it anyways.

I ended up making the couch tip over backwards and Shin-nii hiting his head hard on the floor.

The room was filled with small grunts of pain that from Shin-nii then soon followed by Kaachan ttying not to laugh which was failing "come on I'll take you to the nurse" his mate picked him up "still as clumsy as I remember" I looked up at Kaachan with a pout but only saw him fall to the floor laughing. So I looked over at Shocchan and saw him smiling "damn Bakubro I didn't know you could talk" Kaachan stopped laughing and straightened himself up "I wasnt laughing" then went back into the kitchen leaving everyone in confusion.

"Come on let's get you up so we can fix the couches"

I smiled and took Yamada's hand "thank you alpha" he smiled as he out the couch back where it was as I made my way into the kitchen "here's your damn plate" Kaachan held it out to me and I could tell he was trying to hide his blush.

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