Chapter 6

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When I got out of the shower I dryed myself off and got dressed and thought about doing my makeup but there was knock which confused me because Shinso doesn't knock he just comes right in. So very timidly I opened the door and saw the blonde standing there looking like he's about to knock again but when he saw I had opened the door he retracted his arm and smiled.

"Hello Izuku I'm Yamada it's a pleasure to meet you"

I smiled a little but I felt myself start shaking a little but he started to let his scent out and made my body physically relax which confused me "it's ok" I looked up at him again

"you see I'm your mate and when I let my scent out it helped you relax"

I slowly relaxed even more. He took a step closer to hugged me which I was hesitant about at first but I soon melted into his hug


I looked up at him "can I pick you" I nodded and he slowly picked me up making me wrap my arms around his neck and just buried my face into his neck.

~~3rd POV~~

Just as Yamada got to the bottom step he asked Aizawa if he their stuff but Aizawa told him that they only own 2 pairs of nice clothes and that he had Shinso get dresses one of them and take the others. With a nod both alpha's had went to the car they came in and got in but Yamada had stayed in the back with his mate while Aizawa had put his in the passenger seat.

Once both alpha's had made sure their omega's was safely buckled up Aizawa had taken off and went straight to their boss, the leader of their agency Yuuei but on the way they had set up a voice recorder and tried to get answers from the 2 omega's.

"Shinso can I ask you and Izuku some questions"

Shinso had glanced at him and gave him a small nod which made him smile "thank you kitten" the nickname given to him made him blush and look away again "do you or Izuku have bruises" Shinso nodded his but Aizawa need a verbal answer

"kitten can you say it"

Shinso cleared his throat a little with a blush "yes but we were told to always cover them so that the guest wont see them" Yamada was confused so he ask Izuku what Shinso meant about guest's

"dad had decided that since him and mom are low on money that they'll use us to get money"

He had looked down at his lap while Yamada did everything he could to calm his omega down and it was working

"dad said that he'll start us off with learning how to give a blow job so he had us pratice on him"

Both alpha's was so angry that their friend would do this to 2 omega's and the fact that the mom allowed it but they couldn't let their anger show so Aizawa started to grip the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles had turned white and Yamada had hugged Izuku in a passionate way.

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