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Before everything he writes a poem.

It's supposed to be just a way to get out his pent up frustrations, because good god Aiden is more pretty than he has a right to be.

He doesn't do anything with it, he just shoves it into the back of his desk drawer and moves on, because Dorian Hayes has no time for romantic relationships.

Except he does because he sits now on his bed, Aiden across from him at his desk studying for a test.

Dorian flips to the next page as Aiden complains "I don't understand why I need to study"

Dorian clicks his tongue "because you need the information"

Aiden frowns puffing out his cheeks "well that's easy for you to say, you're like a human encyclopedia" He jots down another note before groaning "I'm out of lead for my pencil!"

Dorian rolls his eyes but doesn't look up from his book. "Do you have any in here" Aiden grumbles opening up one of Dorians desk drawers

Dorian shakes his head "This is why I tell you to not use mechanical-"

"What's this?" Aiden cuts him off and Dorian suddenly has a sinking pit in his stomach. He looks up from his book and his face pales. Aiden stands holding a piece of paper already reading. Before Dorian can think he scrambles off the bed desperately trying to grab the paper out of his hands, but his boyfriend (almost expertly) avoids him, twirling away so Dorian stumbles into the desk.

"Aiden really-"

"You wrote this for me" his boyfriend says with a smirk, and Dorian feels his cheeks heat up in embarrassment "I-no-" he denies "I um-wrote it for-" he desperately wracks his brain, trying to think of anything else "River??" He finally says, and it's absolutely pathetic because River certainly doesn't have red hair and freckles.

"I knew you were a sap" he says with a shit eating grin, and Dorian grits his teeth because if there's one thing he isn't it's a godamn sap. "I am not, now give that back" he reaches for it again.

Aiden holds it away "nu-uh! This was written for me so therefore I have all rights to it!" He holds the paper to his chest "besides then I'll always have a reminder that you think I'm the prettiest boy in the world!"

Dorian isn't sure if he wants to punch or kiss him to get him to shut up.

Instead he opts to just stomp over to his bed, picking up his book he had rudely thrown when trying to grab the poem "you made me loose my spot" he grumbles, flipping through the pages. "Man, who would've though Dorian Hayes had a crush on me" Aiden says sitting back at the desk.

Dorian chooses to block the talking out trying to find a comfortable position on his bed again. A silence follows, which Dorian would be grateful for if it weren't so strange, he flicks his eyes up from his book just to make sure Aiden hasn't spontaneously combusted or something.

Aidens staring at him, and he almost looks sincere.

Dorian scrunches up his nose "what is it?"

"Just thinking about how you loooove me"

"I hate you" Dorian responds flatly looking back to his book.

"Really? This says otherwise" Aiden responds holding the paper back up.

Dorian rolls his eyes, and tries to hide his face behind his book. He really wouldn't be able to live this down.

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