Movie Night

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Max was talking with his boyfriend in the hallway, when suddenly Malcom came flying down towards them, Giselle following close behind.

"You would not believe what just happened!" He exclaimed. Max raised a brow as they continued "Shiloh totally ditched us!"

"Translation-" Giselle added finally catching up "They have an extra shift at work and don't know if they can make it to the movie tonight"

"Same thing" Malcom said with a huff "I don't see why she can't just ditch it" he crossed his arms. Giselle rolled her eyes "Because some people take their responsibilities seriously"

"Are you saying I'm irresponsible?"

"As if you don't already know that."

"Okay-" Max cut into the conversation "I'm sad Shiloh can't make it but, we can still go to the movie right?" Malcom scoffed "I paid for four tickets! Now one ticket is totally going to waste-" he paused then, looking at Alessandro, who had been keeping quiet. They looked like they had an idea.

It was never good when Malcom had an idea.

"Alessandro" he addressed the football player "Why don't you come with us?"

"Me?" Alessandro pointed at himself, Malcom stared at him in annoyance, Alessandro shook his head, blinking rapidly "I mean, what's the movie"

Malcom smirked "The curse of the bloody vampire two."

Alessandro and Max grimaced. Max knew Alessandro didn't like horror movies, especially ones with jump scares. He turned to his boyfriend "Alessandro you don't have to-"

"I understand if you're too scared-" Malcom interrupted, Alessandro suddenly straightened his back "of course not!" He crossed his arms "I'll be there."

Malcom clapped their hands together "wonderful! That problems solved!" He began walking down the hall "the movies at six!"

Max watched Malcom walk away with a frown, he turned to his boyfriend "Alessandro, I know you don't like horror-" the football player waved a hand "It's fine, I'm not THAT scared of them" he said.

Max gave an incredulous look, but the bell rang before he could say more, and Alessandro headed off to his next class.

Max sighed, this couldn't be all bad. It was good for Alessandro to get some bonding time with the other band members? Right?


Everyone met outside school, it Max got there just after Giselle and Alessandro, who seemed to be having a pleased conversation, he smiled at seeing the progress.

Max pulled his jacket around him as he approached them "Where's Malcom?" He asked, Giselle rolled her eyes "I wouldn't be surprised if he's late because he's still doing his five step hair routine that he likes to pretend is just how their hair 'naturally falls'" Alessandro snorted, before quickly going quiet, he was always worried about accidentally offending one of the band members.

"Speak of the devil" Giselle grumbled, Max turned to see Malcom walking toward the group, they slotted themselves between Max and Alessandro "Hello everyone, I'm sorry for being late, something came up, I'm sure I was greatly missed" he announced. "You got detention again?" Giselle said crossing her arms, Malcom sputtered "No-" he tried to say, but gave up on the lie quickly "Okay yes, but it was totally uncalled for!"

"Suuure" Giselle responded with a smirk. While Malcom tried to convince Giselle of their innocence, the group began their walk to the theater. Malcom and Giselle ended up walking ahead, leaving Alessandro and Max alone.

"You look nice" Alessandro mumbled, Max felt blush rise on his cheek "This is how I look all the time" he said looking down at the ground, Alessandro shrugged "Well I think you look good all the time"

Max tried to hide his giddy smile, from the corner of his eye he could see Malcom make a gagging gesture towards Giselle, who giggled.

Max looked back at Alessandro "I think you look nice all the time too"


Once they got to the theater Malcom ordered a jumbo bag of popcorn, and proceeded to hog most of it to themselves. When they were going to sit down Max could see Alessandro start to tense up, he leaned over and whispered "are you sure you want to do this?" His boyfriend looked back at him a little hesitantly but shook his head "yeah I'm fine-" before Max could ask more Malcom leaned over and did a comically exaggerated "Shhh!!"

The movie was pretty bad, the jump scares were predictable, the effects looked cheap, and the plot was hard to follow. Max could hear Malcom and Giselle giggling throughout most of it.

Every now and then Max would look over at Alessandro, who seemed to be gripping the seat for dear life, he gasped at every jump scare and at some point Max had reached over to hold Alessandro's hand comfortingly, to which then his boyfriend held his hand as if it were his life line.

It was dark by the time they got out of the theater, and Max wondered if his hand would ever be the same after Alessandro's death grip.

"That was totally lame" Malcom said as they shoved their hands in their pockets "definitely not as good as the first one" Giselle sighed dramatically "That's how it usually goes" she turned to Alessandro and Max "What'd you guys think?"

Max shrugged "It was alright" he turned to Alessandro who was still shaking like a leaf, he gulped "I uh, agree with you guys haha, totally lame" he straightened himself, feigning nonchalance.

Suddenly, something grabbed Alessandro's shoulders with a loud "Boo!!"

Alessandro nearly shrieked grabbing onto Max's arm, even Giselle flinched a bit. Malcom's laugh rings out. Max simply rolled his eyes and rubbed his boyfriends back, Giselle glared and began walking faster in front of the group.

"Oh c'mon G, it was kinda funny!!" Malcom called out, chasing after her. Max stayed with Alessandro to help him calm down.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. "Oh I'm fine" Alessandro said waving a hand "Just-surprised-"

Max raised a brow "I can see that."

The two continued to try and catch up with Giselle and Malcom.

The walk back to rainbow high wasn't very long, but it was dark. Max kept glancing at Alessandro, who seemed very tense. He kept on looking behind him, and there were clearly certain areas he was scared to go through. Finally Max stopped and said "You know you don't have to act like you're not scared around me, right?"

"I'm not scared"

Max crossed his arms and stared at Alessandro, who finally sighed and admitted defeat "Okay so...maybe I'm a little scared"

Max nodded "That's okay, it's supposed to be a scary movie" Alessandro frowned "you weren't scared."

"That doesn't mean you can't be, and besides I get scared by somebody even looking at me in the hallways, so I don't think I'll be winning any "most fearless" awards"  Max chuckled.

Alessandro shoved his hands in his pockets, seemingly a little more relaxed. "It's not just you, I don't want Giselle or Malcom to think I'm lame" he grimaced a bit "At least, more than they already think I am"

Max frowned "Giselle doesn't think your lame" 

Alessandro raised a brow "And Malcom"

Max waved a hand "Malcom thinks everyone's lame, even me"

Alessandro snorted, Max smiled, he took his boyfriends hand "Just, don't think you ever have to hide your feelings around me, okay?"

Alessandro squeezed his hand with a little nod, and Max leaned up and kissed his cheek. Then they heard "Hey! Lovebirds!" They both turned to see Malcom and Giselle ahead, Malcom was speaking "Hurry up! Or we're leaving you for vampire food!"

Alessandro stiffened at that, and Max chuckled leaning his head on his shoulder.

It was a good day.

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