Nightmare pt 2

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Jaime Ochre squeezed their eyes shut in an attempt to go back to bed. But everytime they closed their eyes the image of their nightmare came back. They sat up nervously looking to their door. They really wanted to see their parents...but they were probably fast asleep and Jaime didn't want to bother them.

However their parents had told them they could come get them at any time, and they were really scared. They silently got up from bed and went to the door. They opened it gently, quietly tip toeing out. They knew they'd just wake their parents when they told them about the nightmare, but they didn't want to alarm them.

Before they could walk to their parents bedroom though, their eye caught a faint glow of light from their dad, Dorian's, office. They turned their head, they weren't sure what time it was but it was probably too late to be up.

They walked quietly towards the office, the door was slightly ajar, leaving a small gap. They peaked through, seeing Dorian typing away on his computer. Jaime contemplated walking away, worried their dad might be upset at them for eavesdropping but they accidentally leaned to hard on the door and it opened anyway.

Dorian jumped as the door creaked open, turning to look at the intruder. "Jaime?" His brow raised. They looked down at the ground shyly "Papa doesn't like when you stay up,"

Dorian pursed his lips, the way he always did when he was fighting a smile "He'd feel the same about you, is everything alright?"

Jaime looked down at the floor again, embarrassment cooling in their stomach "I had a nightmare..." Dorian made a sound of sympathy "oh peanut, I'm so sorry," he opened his arms up "Do you want to talk about it?"

Jaime shuffled forward and crawled into their dad's lap "It was dumb..." they mumbled.

Dorian seemed on immediate alert "Hey," he got their attention "Nothing you're scared of is dumb." He told them, soft but firm. Jaime didn't seem to quite believe it. There was a moment of silence before he said "I'm here because I had a nightmare too."

Jaime looked up at their dad like they couldn't believe it "Really?" Dorian nodded with a hum. "What was it about?" They asked thoughtfully.

Dorian chewed his cheek, trying to think of the best way to go about a conversation like this. "You know how I told you my father wasn't very kind to me as a kid, right?"

Jaime nodded along, they remembered that conversation. Jaime hadn't met their grandpa, and their dad and grandma never talked about him much. But Jaime knew he'd really hurt them both, and that was enough for them to not to want to meet him.

Dorian continued "Well, I still struggle with the memories sometimes. And those manifest in my dreams."

Jaime frowned "I'm sorry dad."

Dorian shook his head "It's alright, I know I'm safe now. With you, and your papa, and everyone else in my life." He kissed their forehead. Jaime giggled a bit but asked "Then why are you in here?"

Dorian turned the chair with both of them in it to his computer "Sometimes when memories like that come up, it's good for me to write my feelings down. Helps me get my thoughts in order. And I couldn't just pull out my laptop with your papa sleeping," he whispered "you know how grumpy he gets."

Jaime giggled again. Dorian patted their knee "You don't need to tell me what happened in your dream, but there's nothing embarrassing about being scared, alright?" His voice was serious but gentle. Jaime nodded slowly finally saying "I...was turned into a toy. A-and another one took my place, and you guys went on like nothing happened. I was so alone and scared..." Jaime sniffled.

"Oh peanut," he pulled them closer, Jaime wrapped their arms around his neck for a hug "It's okay, I've got you now, me and your papa would never forget about you like that."

There was another creak as the door opened "Are you guys having a party without me?" Aiden yawned. Dorian and Jaime turned to face him, Aiden was standing in the door way rubbing his eyes, he'd clearly just gotten up.

Jaime spoke first "We had a bad dream." That woke Aiden up "Is everything okay?" He asked, much more alert and walking deeper into the room. Dorian let Jaime out of their embrace so they could run to their papa. Aiden kneeled to his child's level, seeing that some tears were falling down their face "Oh honey," he wiped some off as Jaime tearfully explained the dream. Aidens face was clearly concerned "That's awful," he said softly "And that was scary because you thought we'd leave you?"

Jaime nodded unable to speak. Aiden hugged them tightly "We'd never do that, we love you so much," Jaime nodded into his shoulder. Aiden leaned back "And yknow what? Even if you did turn into a toy, me and your dad would just carry you around every where, and get you a little dollhouse, and sew you little clothes,"

Dorian nodded "Your grandma would love a project like that."

Jaime finally giggled. Aiden smiled patting their shoulder "Do you feel better?"

Jaime nodded "Yeah,"

Dorian leaned down next to them as well "Are you ready to go back to bed?"

Jaime thought for a moment before nodding again "I think so...can you walk me there?"

"Of course," Dorian said, and the family began to walk out the office and down the hallway.

As the family walked to Jaime's room, Aiden had a thoughtful expression "Yknow, turning into a toy could be kinda fun."

His husband raised a brow "How so?"

"Well you could do all sorts of things, especially if you got to choose-oh! I'd be a superhero action figure."

Dorian nodded, not surprised by his husband's answer. Jaime looked at the ceiling in thought "I think I'd be my elephant stuffed animal..."

"Good choice," Dorian said. Aiden looked to him "What'd you be?"

"A teddy bear," he replied without a second thought. They reached Jaime's bedroom and he held the door open. "Ha! As if you aren't already one," Aiden teased as he walked in with Jaime.

"As much as you like to joke, I don't think I'm nearly as huggable." Dorian said closing the door.

Aiden raised his brow and looked at Jaime who was smiling "I think we'll be the judge of that!" Suddenly they both lunged and hugged Dorian, well Jaime was really only tall enough to hug his waist. Dorian chuckled and wrapped his arms around them "Okay! Okay! You've made your point."

They stayed like that moment longer, appreciating the comfort of each others presence before finally breaking apart. Jaime crawled into bed, seemingly in much better spirits. Their dad kneeled down next to them while their papa tucked them in "You feel better?" Dorian asked, brushing some hair out of their face "Mhmm," Jaime slurred, suddenly realizing how tired they were from getting into their warm bed.

Dorian could see them dozing off "Alright, that's good," he kissed their forehead "Goodnight,"

Jaime heard their parents footsteps exiting their room and a bit of conversation outside their door

"Don't think I forgot about your nightmare, are you okay?"

"Yeah I feel much better now,"

"You sure? We can talk about it."

"Tomorrow morning, right now," Dorian yawned comically "I think even I'm ready to go back to bed." Aiden giggled and the parents voices got quiet as they went further down the hall.

Jaime smiled into their pillow, the family knew they were safe together. Nobody got up again the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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