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Max stared at his notebook as the sun began to dip across the horizon.

He tapped his pencil on the side of the book. Lately he'd been having writers block, and thought a moment of quiet contemplation was what he needed.

It wasn't.

No matter how hard he thought words just weren't coming to him. He slumped against the tree he was leaning on.

Then, he heard the snap of a twig.

Max sat up rigid, suddenly very aware of his surroundings.

Max was one of the only people who knew about the clearing behind the concert hall. Not a lot of people usually wandered up there (unless your Max, who loves his fans, but is suffocated by the crowds that form after concerts)

Max snapped his head towards the noise, all sorts of horrifying images of axe wielding killers in the woods playing in his head. The person he saw instead was almost more surprising

"Alessandro?!" He exclaimed.

Alessandro was one of the only other people who knew about this spot. Max had impulsively shown him one night after Alessandro had came to a concert of his, mostly fueled by the adrenaline of actually having Alessandro there, after spending so much time trying to get close to him.

Since then, the two would hang out at the clearing every so often. Usually after one of Max's concerts or Alessandro's football games.

Max certainly didn't remember inviting him tonight.

Alessandro's frame went stiff in the distance, clearly as surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here?" Max asked, trying to hide the surprise in his voice.

Alessandro didn't answer for a moment before saying "Practice was loud. I wanted some quiet."

"Oh"  Max responded "If you need quiet I can get going-" he continued already beginning to pack his things

"No-" Alessandro suddenly said "You can stay."

Max stared, before nodding slowly. He moved over a bit as if to invite Alessandro to sit next to him. Alessandro took the hint, sliding down into the spot next to Max.

The two sat like that for awhile, as Max pretended to scribble in his journal and ignore the fast pacing of his heart and cheeks warming.

It was no secret now that Max had a crush on Alessandro. He was pretty sure all his friends-no the entire school knew it.

Max wasn't very use to crushes, they were rare for him to get, he didn't know how to deal with them. Because of this Max wasn't....

Well he wasn't exactly subtle.

Max stared into his book, desperately trying to ignore the feelings storming inside him.

"What're you doing here?" Alessandro finally asked and Max snapped his head up. "Writers block" he said with a nervous laugh, he hoped Alessandro didn't notice "Thought I needed some quiet to."

Alessandro only gave a curt nod looking back up at the sky. At this point it was dark, stars just peeking out. Max wasn't nervous in the dark, he actually enjoyed it. His eyes quickly adjusted to it and he still continued to 'write'

It was silent again, as the boys simply sat in each other's presence before Alessandro pointed out "Isn't that the Ursa Minor?"

Max blinked looking at what Alessandro had pointed at. It was indeed the same constellation. Something in Max's stomach flipped.

Max often talked about stars when they hung out here, it was an interest he'd picked up  from spending so much time in the library. He'd found all sorts of books on the subject, and had become completely enraptured.

He thought that his ramblings had fallen on deaf ears, Alessandro never commented much when he talked. But no, he had listened.

Max gulped, butterflies starting to form in his stomach "Yeah" he said softly "yeah it is"

Alessandro, seemingly embarrassed by the show of care "Lucky guess" he grumbled looking away. Max was still smiling silly though.

Max sat back against the tree. But he was still looking at Alessandro. "Do you....remember anything else?"

"What is this a fuckin pop quiz?"

Anxiety spiked in Max "N-no! Sorry I-"

"Wait-" Alessandro interrupted him "I don't remember everything but-" he looked away almost bashful "Maybe-you could tell me again?"

Max relaxed trying to hide the grin on his face "Yeah, I can do that"

(Alessandro by 4rt4ngelz)

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