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"Ugh you would expect a school like rainbow high to have better lighting" Margaret complains as she does her eyeliner.

Sage shuffles beside her, laughing lightly but not saying anything else. The girl had been following her like a lost puppy ever since they'd exchanged numbers for a project, Margaret kept her around because well, she found it funny.

Margaret finishes her eyeliner and turns to Sage "Do you think this looks good?"

Sage, visibly blushing, ducks her head down  "ah jeez well-I don't know much about that stuff but uh-" she looks back up shyly "I think you look great, h-honestly I don't think you n-need all that stuff"

Margaret purses her lips, gullible girl, she thinks but instead she responds "That's sweet of you to say"

Now that Sages face was in view Margaret could say her features were....nice. Strong jawline, pretty eyes, long hair. Margaret would almost say she's pretty, if she liked girls of course. 

"Sage...have you ever worn makeup?" Margaret asks and Sage blinks rapidly "We'll yes but not a lot? I-I mean I just don't really get invited to stuff that would require something like that"

"Well..." Margaret starts searching through her bag "You can get invited to more stuff like that-" she pulls out a small box of eyeshadow "you just need to make yourself a little more presentable" she says plucking off Sages glasses, the girl goes to rub her eyes clearly taken off guard, Margaret stops her "Don't worry you'll be able to admire my work afterwards"

With that she gets started, it's quick and not her best work but once she's done applying lipstick she thinks she's done a pretty good job. "There." She says placing Sages glasses back on her face.

Sage turns to the mirror "oh uh-wow" she's clearly flustered and Margaret almost finds it cute.

"No need to thank me, let's go I need to get out of this bathroom" she says spinning around without another word and Sage follows her instantly.

She thinks this might be fun.

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