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"See you later dollface!!" Aiden called out as he left the classroom, punctuating his statement with a wink and an air kiss. Dorian stared for a moment stunned before quickly looking down at his camera with a grumble.

Aiden had started this thing where he'd started flirting with Dorian as a joke. He'd say flirty pick up lines, or wink, or call him some terrible nickname. Dorian didn't understand where it had come from, but he really wished it would stop.

"Are you okay?" Sage asked coming up from behind him. They shared the same class so naturally she'd see him but he was still startled by the sudden appearance.

He turned quickly shaking his head "Perfectly fine. Aiden just said something frustrating, the usual" he responded, making his way to take down the equipment for the shoot. Sage raised a brow following him over to the set. "What'd he say" she asked as Dorian began dismantling. "Just some stupid flirtatious comment" he grumbled "He's been doing it more lately. I honestly don't see why"

Sages expression fell, as if she were questioning life decisions "you can't possibly be that stupid"

Dorian scoffed "I have no idea what your implying"

Sage rubbed her temples "He has a crush on you, Dorian"

Dorian nearly dropped his camera

"I don't know what gave you that conclusion" he said, trying to hide his blush

"He's flirted with you numerous times"

Dorian rolled his eyes "Please, it's not actual flirting he's just joking"

Sage crossed her arms "I've literally never done that with any of my friends, much less my enemy"

"He's trying to get under my skin" Dorian said.

"Well you do always react" Sage responded, and there was an implication in her tone Dorian didn't like.

"I don't even want to know what you might be thinking" he turned back to the set "Aiden simply catches me off guard"

Sure, Dorian sometimes became flustered around Aiden, and he found the model quite pretty, and yes he did sometimes get the occasional butterflies whenever they had to be near each other, but those didn't add to anything. Dorian's had crushes before and none of made him feel-

A sinking feeling came in his stomach. He had acted that way around River hadn't he?

He gulped, hoping that there was a simple explanation for the similar feelings. Perhaps love and hate were more closely linked than he thought.

Sage patted his shoulder jolting him out of his spiral "I should probably get going" she said, but she had that annoyingly knowing look on her face. "Don't need to announce it to me" Dorian responded hoping his casual tone would distract her from his momentary panic.

It didn't, but Sage didn't say anything, instead just saying her goodbyes and leaving Dorian to stew in his feelings.

He really wished Sage hadn't asked him how he was feeling.

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