First Date

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Clementine heard the door knock, she quickly went to answer it, only stopping for a moment to look at herself in the mirror.

She had asked Sage for help on her outfit, who told her that Georgie would probably like her in anything, and though Clementine believed her she still wanted to look her best. This was the pairs first official date after all. She'd even asked Dorian to help, but he'd just rolled his eyes and grumbled something about "not having time for dates" and "If Georgie likes you I think he'll accept anything". Clementine would've been offended, but Dorian was like that with everyone, and he had wished her well on her date.

Clementine opened the door excitedly to see Georgie on the other side. He was fiddling with his tie, when he saw her he immediately stopped and put his hands behind his back.

Clementine giggled slightly "You look nice" she said. Georgie seemed taken aback by that, opening her mouth once before shutting it again, cheeks red. Clementine thought they were adorable.

Georgie coughed into her hand gaining composure "You look wonderful as well"

Clementine smiled "thank you, you're a gentleman" she said closing the door and taking his arm. He leaned his head away to hide blush "Yes well, that is what people are supposed be with these sorts of things"

Clementine chuckled and put her head on his shoulder as they headed off.

As they walked to their destination Clementine and Georgie talked like they usually did. Georgie gave stories about his classes, or some argument he got into with Dorian, or sometimes the book he was reading (though Clementine usually cut them off by yelling "spoilers!")

Clementine tried talking about her classes, but that usually got her off track to rambling about the newest paranormal situation she heard of, or some new fact she learned while scrolling on the internet in class. Georgie always listened intently.

Finally they reached their destination, restaurant. It wasn't super fancy but still classy. They sat down and started looking at the menu, when Clementine looked up again, she noticed just how nervous Georgie was. He was technically looking at the menu, but his mind seemed to be completely focused on something else. Clementine tilted her head and asked "are you okay?"

Georgie seemed to immediately snap out of his thoughts "Yes!" They said almost too eagerly, before shaking their head "I mean, yes. Everything is fine"

Clementine raised a brow, but the waiter came over to take their orders before she could push more.

The conversation flowed naturally all throughout dinner, but Georgie seemed stiff. It was probably nerves, but there was a tiny voice in Clementines brain that told her it was because they weren't enjoying themselves.

Clementine shoved that away.

By the time they finished dinner it was getting dark, and they stepped out into the cool air

"Well, I guess we better start heading back"

Clementine looked up at the sky in thought "maybeeee" she said "but I have a better idea!" She grabbed Georgie's hand and started dragging him in another direction. "What is that?" she asked in surprise. Clementine looked back with a broad smile "it's a surprise!"

The surprise in question was an ice cream parlor a few blocks down. Clementine excitedly rattled her order off to the worker, still holding Georgie's hand. It took Georgie a bit longer to order, she kept on stuttering the whole time. Clementine noticed he hadn't let go of her hand.

They eventually stopped holding hands when they grabbed their ice creams, Clementine got a cone whereas Georgie opted for a cup. They left the parlor. Georgie looked a little bit more relaxed, but still stilted. Clementine felt her stomach roll uncomfortably. She focused on her ice cream.

There was a park nearby that the two ended up wandering into. They walked and appreciated the nature. It reminded Clementine of the forest back home, which she then began to talk about at length too with Georgie. She struggled with talking and eating her ice cream before it melted, and ended up getting it all over her hands.

"shoot" she grumbled as she threw her cone away. "I guess I'll just have to walk home like this" she frowned. Georgie let out a huff and pulled something out of his jacket, a wad of napkins. Clementine gasped "my hero!" She chirped as she took the napkins and began wiping her hands. Georgie blushed and looked away "yes well, I thought you'd need to use them so I grabbed them on my way out" he said as he threw away his own cup.

Clementine smiled brightly "well you're very romantic" she said taking his arm as they began their walk back. Georgie blushed again but didn't respond. As they headed back to rainbow high they were more quiet, and Clementines mind began to drift. That uncomfortable pit started in her stomach, and the thought that Georgie wasn't having a good time came back.

Before she could think of it she blurted "Georgie-did you actually like today?!"

Georgie blinked in surprise, clearly gathering his thoughts "what? Of course I did."

Clementine chewed her lip "it's just-Sometimes you were kinda weird today-like you'd get really quiet or stiff and I thought maybe it was because you were uncomfortable..." her voice trailed off at the end.

Georgie seemed surprised and then a little flustered "oh, no that's not-I had a really good time tonight I guess I was just-" he sighed "nervous. I kept on overthinking what to say to you or what we should do next" she suddenly looked bashful "it was nothing you did though"

Clementine stared at them, blinking. Georgie had been worried all the date because they wanted to impress her? As if they had to do that.

Before Clementine could stop it a giggle came out of her mouth. Georgie blushed "w-what?" They asked trying to not sound flustered.

"It's just-that's so cute" she chuckled "but you really don't need to do that Georgie!" She said taking his hands "I already really really like you! Literally, there's nothing you could do at this point that could stop that" she smiled.

Georgie's face was red "Oh. Well." her words stumbled "there's nothing you could do that would effect my feelings for you as well"

Clementine smiled at that, by the time the conversation had ended they'd made it back to rainbow high. Georgie held the door open as Clementine walked in. Once they got to her dorm Georgie spoke "I hope you enjoyed tonight as much as I did"

Clementine giggled a bit and then leaned up to kiss him on the cheek "I definitely did"

Georgie blushed and put a hand up to his cheek "oh um, that's good"

Clementine tried to suppress a giggle as she began to open her dorm door, she looked back at Georgie "see you in class tomorrow?"

Georgie nodded "yes, of course"

The two officially said their goodbyes and Clementine entered her dorm with a happy sigh.

It was a nice beginning indeed.

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