Sick Day

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Dorian stares at the tea kettle, his stomach rolling nervously.

Jaime had gotten sick. This was Dorian and Aidens first time with them sick. And Dorian was really really worried.

The couple had taken the day off work, to make sure Jaime had optimal care. Jaime was alright, they had a sore throat and stuffy nose, but nothing that looked deadly. That didn't make it any less scary for Dorian. He hated seeing Jaime in any sort of pain.

Dorian had decided, to help aid Jaimes throat, that he'd make his mothers recipe for tea. It had always helped him when he'd gotten sick.

While he made the tea he had his mother on the phone. He'd called her under the guise that he just didn't remember the recipe, but really he felt like he needed her advice for this.

"Is it always going to be this scary?" He asked her, setting his phone on the kitchen counter and putting her on speaker

His mother hummed for a moment "Yeah, I think it always will be. It's never fun seeing your baby in discomfort, even when they're adults" she chuckled lightly "But, I think that's what proves you're a good parent. You care so much for Jaime"

Dorian gulped and nodded. He knew that he wasn't a terrible father. Or hoped he wasn't.  But hearing the words still meant a lot. He sighed "how did you deal with it? The stress?"

"You just do" she said softly "It's difficult, but making sure you were alright was always my first priority, and I think that's what kept me going. As time goes on you'll learn what makes them feel better and will be more prepared" she shrugged over the call "It's easier when you have a support system also"

Dorians stomach dropped a bit. It's not like his father was the most doting, often telling Dorian to suck it up whenever he was sick. He was out of the house more often than he was in, and when he was there wasn't pleasant. And his mom hadn't gotten in contact with any of her family until Dorian was in his teen years. And Dorian hadn't made things easier on her, often hiding illness away until he couldn't bear it.

His mom had really been alone raising him.

"Yeah..." Dorian responded, mouth dry "Aiden's been really great. I mean I can tell he's worried too but uh, he's been good about bringing me back down whenever my nerves get to me." He chuckled slightly "I made the mistake of googling the symptoms on Google, Aiden spent ten minutes talking me out of taking Jaime to the ER"

His mom giggled "Every parent makes that mistake the first time around"

Dorian rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "I guess I'm still learning huh?"

"We all are" his mother says, and she says it with such sincerity he nearly stumbles.

The tea kettle goes off Dorian picks up his phone "I've gotta go-" he stops for a moment and then says "I love you" it doesn't feel like enough to say, but it'll do.

He can hear her smile over the phone "I love to you too, darling"

He ends the call and focuses on the tea, pouring it into a mug and heading up to Jaime's bedroom.

When he opens the door he sees Aiden sitting next to Jaime in bed, seemingly commentating on whatever they're watching. Jaime giggles at what Aiden says. The sight kind of makes Dorian want to cry (it was an emotional day okay?)

They both turn to him, smiling at the same time. Dorian sets the tea on Jaimes nightstand "What're we watching?"

"The little mermaid" Aiden says matter a factly. Dorian nods "A classic"

"What'd you bring?" Jaime croaks, throat still soar. It sends a pain through Dorians heart. "Uhh tea. I know you don't drink it much, but my mom used to make it when I was sick and I really liked it" Jaime sits up slightly as Dorian hands them the cup. They take sip and stay quiet for a minute before smiling with a nod, clearly having approved.

Dorian and Aiden stay, watching most of the movie with Jaime while they drank. Until eventually they notice that Jaime had dozed off. Dorian leaned over and gently kissed Jaime on the forehead while Aiden shut off the lights. The parents quietly exited the room.

Once they're outside Dorian looks at Aiden. He'd always been there. Through good and bad Aiden was always there to support Dorian.

Before Dorian can think about it he wraps his arms around Aiden and pulls him into a sudden hug.

"Oh!" Aiden says in surprise quickly reciprocating the hug. Dorian buries how face in Aiden's shoulder "Thank you..." he says softly. "For what?" Aiden asks.

"Everything." Dorian responds, and he really means it.

OC DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now