A Day in The Park

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Shiloh rarely let stress get to her. At this point it was an ever present part of their life. But every now and then even she couldn't handle it.

Today it was beginning to get to her.

Usually this day was normal for her, wake up, go to class, go to her shift at the rainbow union, go to band practice. But it seemed like everything was put on its hardest mode.

Shiloh had been exhausted in class and got scolded for nearly dozing off, they'd accidentally gotten an order wrong and got yelled at by a customer, and Malcom had insisted on redoing the same song what felt like a hundred times.

Despite all this, the real catalyst of the day had been that her dad had apparently ran off again, so now Shiloh was fielding calls from her distraught little brothers and upset mother.

And now they were going to be late to Lenore's film rehearsal.

Shiloh checked her phone as they opened the doors to the practice room, twenty minutes late, they frowned.

Lenore had never made coming to rehearsals a requirement, she'd always insisted it was optional. But she clearly liked having Shiloh there, and Shiloh enjoyed going to them. She didn't want to disappoint Lenore.

They opened the doors to the immediate cry of "Shiloh!!" Lenore bounded toward them, throwing her arms around them dramatically. "You're here! You would not believe the day I've had!"

Shiloh hummed, wrapping her arms around Lenore's waist to keep her balanced "I'm sorry I was late-" she started and then noticed Lenore was staring at her. "What?" They asked tentatively.

"Are you okay?" She asked. That caused Shiloh to pause "yeah, I'm fine" she said, and it wasn't a lie per se. At least, she didn't think it was.

Lenore's still stared at them, so Shiloh assumed she didn't believe them. "Really, it's just been a long day" they said, smiling tiredly. Lenore stared at her, eyes narrowed before announcing "Well this simply won't do."

Shiloh blinked, and before they knew it Lenore turned to her crew and said "Rehearsals done for the day! Everyone pack up!"

"What?!" Everyone, including Shiloh, said in unison. Lenore waved her hand "We've made fine progress on the film today" she stared at the stunned cast for a moment "Well hurry up everyone!" The cast began to scurry around the room picking up props and putting them away.

Shiloh shook their head "Lenore-you really don't have to-"

"Nonsense, you've had a long day and deserve to relax!" She took Shilohs arm "And I want to make sure you do!"

Lenore seemed like she would not budge on the decision, so Shiloh sighed and let Lenore take her out of the rehearsal room.


Lenore had offered for them to go do an array of activities, but Shiloh had opted to go to a nearby coffee shop and a walk through the park. Partially because they were still taken off guard by Lenore's offer and it was all she could think of.

They stepped out of the coffee shop. In all honesty Shiloh wasn't actually a huge coffee fan, but they needed the caffeine. Next to her Lenore took a sip of her coffee, black, like always.

Shiloh examined Lenore's face for her reaction. It was always easy to tell by her expression how she felt about something. Lenore's eyes widen in surprise "this is...acceptable." she finally said. Shiloh chuckled "I thought you'd like it, better than the rainbow union huh?"

Lenore blushed, seemingly embarrassed "well I never said the rainbow union coffee was bad-"

Shiloh laughed again. At this point, they'd been able to figure out that Lenore wasn't a very big fan of the drinks at the rainbow union, or the food. Shiloh honestly wondered why she went at all. "It's fine, I promise I'm not offended"

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