Nightmares From The Past

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TRIGGER WARNING: this story contains depictions of abuse through the lens of a dream, if that is triggering for you skip the italic parts

There's an argument. There always was. Dorian creeps down the stairs, staying deathly quiet. He can't tell what they're saying. Something shatters. Dorian flinches and holds his breath. He peeks around the wall.

His father is towering over his mother. Was he always that tall? A broken vase lays by their feet. His mother's bleeding. Dorian can't see her face but he knows she's scared. His father  raises his hand.

There's a sickening slap, his mother crumples to the ground. Dorian can't control it, he yells "mom!" His dad turns, he sees him.

Dorian runs.

He runs up the stairs down the hall to his room. He locks the door. Theres footsteps. He begins to bang on the door, screaming. Dorian scrambles to his bed and covers his ears. But it continues. The lock breaks open and-

Dorian lurched awake breathing heavily. He processed his surroundings, immediately turning to his closed and locked door. Right. He was alone, in the apartment that he owned. He scrubbed a hand on his face.

He was safe. His mom was safe. Everyone was safe. Still these reassurances didn't help. His breathing was shaking.

A nagging part of him felt pathetic. A grown man still having nightmares about memories that happened when he was a child. He shook his head trying to expel those thoughts. He knew he needed to be kinder to himself.

He grabbed his phone off his nightstand, immediately going to his contact list. He found Aiden. The last few messages they had sent to each other had been Aiden complaining about studying for finals, before he promptly figured out the time and told Dorian to go to bed. Dorians heart aches reading them. He missed him.

His finger hesitated over the call button, he didn't want to bother the boy so late, but he still felt panicked. The fear of what was behind the door not leaving. He called.

It only rang a few times before Aiden answered "Sweetcheeks," he murmured. He didn't sound too grumpy which was a good sign. Dorian immediately felt relieved hearing his boyfriend's voice. "Hello, I didn't wake you did I?" He asked.

"Nope, I was getting ready for bed, so this is actually perfect timing." Dorian raised a brow, he seriously doubted that, considering the time. Still the words were comforting.

Aiden must've heard how his voice was uneven because the next thing he asked was "Is everything okay?"

Dorian gulped "Yeah I just...I had a nightmare." His voice trailed off still a bit embarrassed. "It was about my childhood."

"Oh honey..." Aiden said gently. He knew about Dorians past of course, about the way his father had treated him and his mother. How the effects still lingered on him today. "I'm sorry," he continued.

"It's alright, just needed something to calm me down." He changed the subject "How'd your studying go?"

Aiden huffed, seemingly noticing the sudden change but not saying anything. Sometimes the best way to comfort Dorian was to provide a distraction. It made him feel safe, being reminded of the normalcy in his life. "I mean it went fine, but I still think needing to learn all this information is stupid, like I'm never gonna use any of it in the world!" He complained.

"You don't know that, maybe finding the symbolism in the curtains of The Great Gatsby will help you with your home decor," Dorian responded. Aiden giggled "Please, this is coming from the boy who studies for fun."

"Being educated is good," Dorian smiled into his pillow, shifting to get in a more comfortable position. Aiden kept talking "Plus even if I did like reading, this isn't a book I would want too I mean, all the characters are so..." he continued. Dorian listened intently, before his eyes began to involuntarily close. The sound of Aidens voice beginning to lull him back to sleep.

"Are you still there?" Aiden eventually said. Dorians eyes opened again "Hmm? Yes, I believe you were speaking about the parallels between the characters ..."

"Yeah and-" Aiden gasped, faux offended "I know what this is about, this is all your sneaky way of getting me to study!"

Dorian huffed a laugh "Yes, you've caught my diabolical plan. I can't slip anything past you."

"No you can't," Aiden said "It's a cruel plan, but I think I can forgive you."

"Think? Well that's all I could ever hope for." Dorian says sarcastically. Aiden laughed. Dorians heart ached, he wished he could be there to see him do it.

"I miss you," he said suddenly. There was a quiet on the end of the phone before Aiden said "I miss you too, but you're visiting soon right?" he chuckled "Then you can apologize for your trick properly."

"Oh of course, I'll bring a sign. It'll be quite the scene." Aiden snorted. "I can't wait," there was another pause "I love you." he was clearly getting tired.

"I love you too," Dorian responded. Usually this would be the point where they both hung up. But neither of them made the move. Dorians eyes began to flutter shut again, so he set his phone on the pillow next to him and closed his eyes. Eventually snoring came from Aidens end of the line. It almost felt like he was there right next to him.

Finally, Dorian felt safe enough to slip into a peaceful sleep.

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