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It's times like these Lilac remembers the little things.

"I know that the play has been stressing you out so uh-" Andrea holds out a container "I uh, made you lunch" soft blush rises on their cheeks. Lilacs heart swells "Thank you, sweetpea" she smiles taking the box from her partner.

Lilac in all honesty, was pretty new to the whole relationship thing. She'd been on dates, but most of them turned out to be flukes. A one time thing.

It didn't help that it took Lilac awhile to figure out the whole lesbian thing.

They worried sometimes, that their inexperience with this made them a bad partner. They were incredibly busy most of the time, were they accidentally neglecting Andrea? She had always thought you were supposed to do big gestures in a relationship, that's what movies had taught her.

Movies had also taught them that being straight was the only option though, so maybe she shouldn't take their advice anymore.

Andrea had taught her differently anyway. Sometimes remembering someone's coffee order, or watching a musical in the dorm, or offering your jacket when they're cold was enough but

A sudden shout brings her from her thoughts. Lilac sighs knowing exactly what's going on.

"Well you stole my color!"

"I came here before you!! You stole mine!!"

"Jeez they really do fight like cats and dogs" Andrea says offhandedly, Lilac nods "I mean, I knew casting dramatics like Margaret and Stella wouldn't end well, I just thought they'd have some maturity about it" they rub their temple "This might be the only project I have to turn in late"

Andrea shakes their head "Don't think like that!" They say sitting next to her "if there's anyone who can do this it's you" they chuckle"I mean remember when you played two characters because one of the actors dropped out, and you stayed up for like two days memorizing the extra lines"

Lilac suppresses a smile "Yes, I do suppose my determination is both a blessing and a curse"  they lean up and giving their partner a quick peck on the cheek "Thank you sweets" she says picking up the container of food again "Maybe this'll be just the fuel I need to get through this"

Andreas blushing a lot now "Y-yeah! I should go-catch you later!!" they say turning around

"Wait-" Lilac says causing Andrea to turn "Actually could you stay?" they look down shyly "I'm just about to go on my lunch break actually"

Andrea softens a little sitting next to Lilac with a smile "Of course"

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