A Surprise reunion

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Dorian did his homework or, tried to, while his mother scurried around the kitchen. A beep went off. "Oven." Dorian said without looking up from his paper. His mother whirled around "Oh! Right!" She said putting on her oven mitts and taking the cookies out of the oven, she set them down to cool. "I don't know how I'd do this without you" she chuckled turning back around to face him.

Dorian finally looked up from his homework, staring at her. She still looked a little frenzied. "I think you're overthinking this" he said simply.

Today, his mothers boyfriend Charlie would be introducing his kids to them for the first time, and his mother was extremely worried about the results.

This wasn't Dorians first time meeting Charlie, technically, he'd been in the same room as him a few times before. Usually Charlie was invited over to the house while Dorian was out, but sometimes he'd come back early and the two would have to exchange awkward pleasantries in the hall. Dorian tried to keep their interactions brief, this would be the most time he'd spend with the man since him and his mom started dating.

Alternatively, Dorian knew this wasn't his mothers first time meeting Charlie's kids. Though it sounds like their interactions were similar to him and Charlie's.

Dorian didn't know much about said kids, just that they were a boy and a girl and around his age.

His mother frowned and rubbed her hands on her apron "You're probably right but..." she sighed "This is important. I want them to to like me, and you." She smiled "Though I don't think  you'll have to try very hard"

Dorian doubted his mothers words, but appreciated her belief in him. Though, he realized with a jolt, this really was important. What would it mean if him and the other kids didn't get along? That could certainly cause issues in the relationship.

"And-" his mom started, snapping Dorian out of his thoughts. "I don't know if his son..." she trailed off "likes me very much." She finished her sentence.

Dorian blinked at her, the thought seemed ridiculous "What? Mom you're being over dramatic. It'll be fine"

Before his mom could respond the doorbell rang "oh! That must be them!"

Dorian stood up "I'll get it" he said, seeing his mom had her hands full getting her apron off. As he approached the door, he resolved that he'd try his hardest to make this meeting go well. For his mothers sake.

He opened the door and-

Stared gobsmacked.

Adonis Larson and Margaret Balencia stood before him, clearly just as shocked to see him.

"I..." he trailed off, trying not to cause a scene "Welcome." He finished weakly, opening the door more to let the family in. The trio stepped in, and Dorian shut the door behind him.

You could cut the tension with a knife.

"Hellooo" his mother sang, coming back from the kitchen. She stopped, clearly sensing something was off "is everything alright?" She asked, and though she hid it Dorian could tell she was already worried.

Dorian wracked his brain for an explanation, how does one explain to their mother that her boyfriends kids were supervillains who terrorized you and your boyfriend and aided in her ex husbands arrest?

Instead Adonis responded with "We know each other from school" he sounded calm "We're just surprised to see each other"

"Oh" Sarah said, relief instantly flooding her expression "Dorian you didn't tell me you'd made friends!" She approached the group and slotted herself next to Charlie. Dorian shrugged "It didn't come up" he said, trying to hide the fact he was freaking out.

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