Birthday text

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"Is everything okay?" Aiden asked, concern in his voice.

Dorian stopped looking looking at his phone and blinked "Of course" he said shoving his phone back in his pocket.

It was Dorians birthday, something he usually didn't celebrate, but Aiden had wanted to take him on a totally innocuous date that involved a present. They were walking to said dating spot when Aiden had asked his question.

Aiden frowned "It's just, you've seemed a little...distracted?"

Dorian gulped and stared down at the floor, "It's nothing..." he responded, playing with his promise ring nervously, a habit he'd developed ever since he'd gotten it. His eyes flickered to Aidens face, who's expression said "not buying it"

Dorian sighed "It's just...." The day had been good, great even. His mom sent him a present and called him, and his friends were there, and he had Aiden, and his roommates had even said happy birthday but there had been something on his mind. Something that made him check his phone, and made his stomach drop when his hopes were dashed.

"My dad hasn't texted me. At all" he finally said eyes still glued on the floor. It was weird to talk about it still. He knew he could, everyone he cared about knew about it, and they were all supportive of him. But that didn't mean he brought it up often.

"Oh Dorian...." Aiden said softly, but Dorian immediately cut him off "I mean I don't know what I expected. We haven't talked in who knows how long, I don't know why I thought today would be different-" he took a deep breath "And it's not like we did talk it would be good, it would probably result in us arguing-" Dorian suddenly became very frustrated with himself for letting the situation affect him as much as it did.

"Dorian" Aidens voice came through, and Dorian suddenly realized he was crying. Aiden wiped away a tear "You've been keeping this in all day?" He asked softly.

Dorian looked away, calming down slightly "I thought it was stupid. And we were having a nice day"

"It's not stupid" Aiden says, gentle but firm. He moves from holding Dorians face to holding his hands "Your emotions are never stupid"

Dorian gulps "I know..." he looked down "I know that but, I guess I'm just used to dealing with this stuff alone." Aiden reached to brush his face with his hand "Well, now you don't have too. You have me, and a whole cavalry of people who love and support you" he frowns "I'm sorry your dad didn't call"

Dorian shrugs "It's okay, not much to do about it. I think I just needed to vent a bit" Aiden nods at that, though there's still concern laced in his expression "Are you sure you're okay?" Dorian thinks for a moment, there was still a twinge of sadness thinking his dad didn't care, or had forgotten. But he had a lot of people who did remember, who did care, and that filled him with warmth.

He smiled "Yeah, I think I am" he wrapped an arm around Aiden "Besides, I still have a 'totally not birthday' dinner to go too" Aiden chuckled leaning on him as they continued walking to their date.

Dorian didn't check his phone the rest of the night.

OC DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now