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"Ugh and you wouldn't believe what Margaret said to me in class today-"

"Mhm" Dorian hums in response as he examines his shelf.

Aiden lays sprawled out on Dorian's bed, while Dorian sits on the floor In front of his bookshelf

This was the usual for them, Aiden would burst into his dorm with some new story of the day, and Dorian would go on with his tasks as if he wasn't listening. His current activity was re-alphabetizing his books.

"Oh and Penny totally got my nose wrong in a portrait today-"

Dorian slams a book almost uncharacteristically hard into the shelf. He gulps "Ah, what did you say to her" Aiden waves a hand "Just that she got it wrong and needed to change it, she was pretty nice about it but it was still annoying after everything else in the day-" he continues on but Dorian isn't listening anymore.

This is stupid, he tells himself, so ridiculously immature. He knew Aiden didn't have feelings for Penny and he still interacted with River despite being interested in him at some point.

Still the mention of the girls name leaves Dorian's stomach in knots.

Maybe there was more of an insecurity than he thought. Dorian was-difficult. Maybe Aiden wanted someone who wasn't.

"Hey!" Aidens voice pulls him out of his thoughts "Are you doing that where you pretend to ignore me"

Dorian blushed for a second before regaining composure "No, go on" he says turning back to his books. Aiden raises a brow, noticing something was on his boyfriends mind. "Is something wrong?" Aiden asks, causing Dorian to turn his head "Of course not, what gave you that idea?" He responds feigning annoyance.

"Your words get shorter when you're nervous or whatever"

Dorian purses his lips, he was right. Still he turns his head away "I'm fine Aiden, just tired" he puts another book on a shelf.

Aiden sits up crossing his arms "Just tell me what's wrong already!" He hops off the bed

"Nothing" Dorian says standing up and looking at him.

They stare at each other in a silent stalemate, hoping the other one will get bored enough to give in.

Dorian in the end loses

(Not because he's bored but because the last time he has hidden his emotions for so long it hasn't gone well)

He sighs deeply "Okay. I'm going to tell you, and you can't laugh"

Aidens face shifts from victorious smirk to concern "okay." He says, and it almost scared Dorian at how seriously he's taking this. Aiden walks back to the bed and sits down, Dorian looks at the floor "It's just sometimes I wonder if I'm a good boyfriend or if-I dunno you want someone else" he shuts his eyes tight dreading Aidens face.

"Oh." He hears Aiden say softly "How long have you felt like this" Dorian shuffles "it's not a consistent feeling just something that comes up sometimes" he looks up at Aiden for a moment who still has a look of concern, he looks away "It's nothing really, I'll be over it tomorrow"

"It's not nothing" Aiden says "Can you look at me?" Dorian looks up sheepishly Aiden who takes his hands "I love you okay? I know we don't say it a whole lot but I do" he puts a hand on Dorians cheek "No amount of bickering is gonna stop that, or make me run off with someone else"

Dorian nods, slightly embarrassed by his vulnerability. He flops down next to Aiden "I love you to, if you didn't know of course" that gets a smile out of Aiden. Dorian, eventually excepting the moment leans his head on his shoulder. It's a little awkward because of the height difference, but something about it just fits. "Do you wanna watch a movie? I'll let you pick this time." Aiden asks

Dorian frowns "but...I still need to finish my books-"

"They'll be available and alphabetizable later, maybe I can help!"

Dorian furrow his brows.

"You have some super specific weird way you do it"

Dorian huffs "It's not weird, just practical"

Aiden belongs to @PracticallyVenus
Penny (mentioned) belongs to nikki.standlee on Instagram

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