Prologue [Edited- New Chapter]

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A/N- 2023

Surprise! So, I decided to write a prologue to give your character some more background, so I hope y'all enjoy this new addition to the story! Also, for anyone who has read this story before, you'll notice some changes from Greek mythology to Egyptian mythology.

Location: Western Desert, Egypt
-January 1st, 2005, 2:18 PM (EET)-

The golden yellow linen scarf wrapped around the lower half of your face shielded it from the sand picked up in the wind. Your mother held you in front of her on her horse's saddle as it walked up one of the dunes in the desert, and your father rode in front on his horse.

The wind picked up again, making you squeeze your eyes shut and bow your head to prevent sand from getting into your eyes. The part of the Western Desert you were in, located near Cairo, was unlike any place you had ever been to in your short life. Sand stretched across the land for miles, with the only thing breaking it up being structures. Earlier in the day, you saw the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx because that was what you had wanted to do for your birthday, and afterward, you and your parents had taken some horses and set off to explore part of the desert.

It wasn't your parents' first time in Egypt, so they knew the area. From the bedtime stories your mother had told you about her adventures, she had met your father in Egypt. Everything she had told you about the country made you want to visit it, so as a surprise birthday present, your parents took you to Egypt to see the country they had met in and had explored over the years.

It was winter in Egypt, so it wasn't dreadfully hot, though the sun still beat down on you, and the air was dry. Even in your linen, long sleeve shirt and trousers, you weren't overheating.

You reached up and tugged at the scarf around your face, and your mother gently grabbed your wrist and stopped you, reminding you that it was there for your protection. You tilted your head and looked up at her over your shoulder. Just like you, she had a scarf wrapped around the lower half of her face. She also wore a sun hat tipped downward to keep the sand out of her eyes. You had a pair of desert goggles hanging around your neck in case the sand got bad enough that you needed to wear them.

Your mother's eyes crinkled at the sides, signifying that she was smiling down at you, and she let go of the horse's reins with one hand and patted the top of your head. You looked ahead as the horse kept making its way across the desert. You didn't know where you were heading, but your parents didn't appear lost, so you kept silent and examined the environment around you.

There wasn't much to look at. Besides rocks, a rare tree, and some cacti and shrubs here and there, there wasn't anything besides kilometers upon kilometers of sand. You grew antsy from not having done anything but sitting on a horse for the past couple of hours, and you started shifting around on the saddle. Your mother sighed and said your name with a breathy laugh, wrapping one of her arms around you so that you wouldn't fall.

"Getting a bit impatient, sweetheart?" she asked.

"When will we get where we're going? And where are we going?"

"Your father and I met at a small town out here. We'll be there in less than an hour. They have some stadiums, by the way."

Your eyes lit up, and you looked over at your mother in excitement. Beyblade was a massive part of everyday life. Most people owned at least one, even if they didn't actively battle or use their bey. You didn't have your own yet, but your parents let you use theirs. Your mother used an attack-type bey called Royal Uraeus, and your father used a balance-type bey known as Sun Scarab.

The wind picked up again as you and your parents rode up another dune. Some small pebbles and grit hit your cheeks through your scarf. Your father brought his horse to a stop on top of a dune and looked back at you and your mother. She tightened her hold around you and brought her horse to a halt on the dune, saying your name and picking you up to face her. She quickly removed your scarf from around your face, and you cocked your head in confusion as she pulled out a bottle of water and used it to dampen the fabric before wrapping it back around your mouth and nose.

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