Part 11: Battle Bladers Part Two

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[Name]'s POV

I take a deep breath, enjoying the feel of the cool night air blowing past me while walking down the quiet streets of Metal City. 'Today has been a long one' I sigh, when I spot Kyoya and Tsubasa talking to each other. "

"What's going on, you two?" I ask as I approach them, and they turn around to look at me.

"We were just discussing our upcoming battles," Tsubasa responds, and I nod my head.

"I would discuss mine but I still have no clue what I'm up against." I shrug my shoulders with a chuckle as the three of us start to walk down the street.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, [Name]." Tsubasa gives me a small smile and I stop walking.

"But will you? You're up against Ryuga and I don't want to see you ending up like Hikaru," I say with a frown.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I need to stop Ryuga now before he continues to get more powerful."

I send Tsubasa a nervous smile before turning to Kyoya. "How about you, Kyoya? You ready to fight Benkei?"

"Tch, yeah," Kyoya mutters nonchalantly.

We end up walking to B-Pit and I stop at the door. "Well, I'll see you two tomorrow morning." I smile before walking inside and heading off to bed.


I finish attaching my launcher and holster to my hip before looking in the mirror at my appearance. 'Let's hope everything goes okay today' I adjust my cropped jacket before throwing on my sandals. 'Time to go' I tell myself, walking downstairs and out of B-Pit.

I run down the steeet to Bey Stadium where I find Gingka and the rest waiting. "I'm not late, am I?" I slow my run down to a walk.

"No, you're right on time," Kenta tells me and we all walk into the arena.

I spot Ryuga, Reiji, Ryutaro, and my opponent across from us, and Ryuga grins when he sees me walk in. "So, you're still in the competition, [Name]?" he chuckles evilly and I face-palm.

"Noooo, I'm just standing here with the rest because I lost my last battle," I say sarcastically, causing the dragon emperor to growl. I smirk at him before turning to look at Doji, "Oh, and hey, Doji! Care to explain why you changed up the fucking pairings after they were decided!"

"Because I am in control of this competition and that means I can also disqualify you if you refuse my choices," Doji smirks and I growl lowly.

"Why are you so upset about them if you don't know what they were?" Tsubasa asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Because he's changing them to fit what he wants. I could care less about who I face. He's just trying to weed out the bladers or get something out of this," I explain with a frown.

"Well, we have to continue like this, you guys, to settle the score and defeat Ryuga," Gingka tells us. "Hear that Doji? We accept these changes!"

"Then I'm looking forward to all the heated battles," Doji chuckles and takes a seat in his chair in the viewing room.

"Benkei," Kyoya grunts and the Bull user stands up straight. "Our battle is first so get ready." Kyoya turns and walks off to one end of the stadium.

"Good luck, Benkei," I tell him before going to take a seat in the stands. Gingka and Tsubasa sit on each side of me and we watch as the two friends get ready to launch.

"Three, two, one... let it rip!" the crowd yells, and both bladers launch their Bey's.

Bull powers forward straight away and sends Leone flying. "Heh, not for long." Kyoya smirks, and Leone lands in the stadium and retaliates against Bull. The green Bey starts a series of attacks and I clasp my hands together and analyze the battle before me.

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