Part 18: The First Round of the World Championships

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~two days later~

[Name]'s POV

"It's already starting!" Madoka exclaims as we run down the halls towards the stadium.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Masamune and I apologize as we were out late training.

"At least we're here now," I say nonchalantly as we approach the middle of the arena where the stadium is.

"Please give it up for Team Japan!" the Chinese DJ announces, and we walk into the stadium. People cheer for us, but when the Chinese DJ announces Team Wang Hu Zhong you can tell who the fan favorite is, especially from the girls.

I watch as Chao Xin smirks and walks down the stairs and takes his spot at one end of the stadium. "You're up, [Name]; win this battle for us." Masamune and Gingka grin and slap my back, making me stumble down the stairs.

"Now, then, appearing in the highly anticipated first match is Wang Hu Zhong's Chao Xin!" the Chinese DJ announces and the crowd goes wild while the girls squeal.

"He will be up against Gan Gan Galaxy's leader and one of the winners of Battle Bladers, [Name] [L/Name]!" People cheer for me and many guys wolf-whistle which I choose to ignore.

I stand across from Chao Xin and he winks at me. "Hey, babe, glad to see you didn't back down," he says, making me sweatdrop.

"BABE!" Gingka, Tsubasa, and Masamune start to flip out, and Madoka smacks them on the back of the head and quiets them down.

The crowd stares at them and I blink before looking at Chao Xin. "Anyway, I'm here for the fight, so don't hold back," I tell him as I twirl my launcher before gripping it and attaching my Beyblade.

"Trust me, I'm not planning on holding back and this time I'll beat you." The flirtatious male smirks as he gets ready to launch his Virgo.

The girls continue to squeal and I hear Madoka sigh. "Sounds like we're at some teen boy-band concert."

"Except for he's actually talented," Tsubasa replies snidely, and my jaw drops as I try to contain my laugh.

'Damn, Tsubasa, you didn't have to roast them that bad' I send him an amused glance which he catches and smiles at.

"So we're about to make Beyblade history right here and now! Let the fateful first match begin!" The Chinese DJ hits a gong and Chao Xin and I stare at each other.

"Three, two, one... let it rip!" We launch our Bey's into the stadium, making the crowd grow louder.

"Let's finish this quickly, [B/Name]!" I shout as my Bey speeds up so all that's there is a [F/C] streak. My Bey attacks Virgo head on and a loud boom resonates in the stadium. Dust is sent everywhere and I look up in the sky to see the Virgo has tossed [B/Name] into the air.

'He's attacking instead of dodging' I narrow my eyes at his Bey.

"Clashing head on with my Poison Virgo? Not a smart idea." Chao Xin smirks and my eyes widen.

'So, he's changed the fusion wheel from our last battle' I realize and meet his gaze. "You think I've never seen a poison type Bey before? Well, you're wrong," I tell him while remembering Reiji's Poison Serpent. 'So if his fusion wheel injects poison I'm going to have to either start fighting with more of my power to hit it head on or battle another way' I smirk, knowing I don't want to show off more power than I have to.

"Virgo, Blue Dragon Whirlwind Sword!" Chao Xin exclaims, and his Bey starts landing a barrage of attacks against mine.

"What's this? It seems [Name] can't escape Chao Xin's attacks, is this the end?" the Chinese DJ questions, and I cross my arms.

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