Part 10: Battle Bladers Part One

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~three months later~

[Name]'s POV

I lean my head on the plane window as I fly back to Metal City. Pulling out [B/Name], I rub the face bolt and smile. "I guess we get to see all our friends now, huh? And we can show them how much stronger we've gotten," I whisper while listening to [F/S].

I look at the points on my launcher and smile when I see the number '105,000'. 'Thank God for all those competitions the U.S. holds. Always fun to get to travel to the different areas and battle different people. Plus, I got a lot stronger' I smirk and look out the window at the clouds.

"I wonder how Gingka and the rest are doing," I whisper and someone taps my shoulder. "

"Miss, you need to turn your phone off, the plane is about to begin its descent," a stewardess tells me and I comply before tucking the device away.

I relax in my seat as the descent begins, zoning out until we're back on the ground. I stand up and grab my bag before leaving the plane and walking through the airport. "It's good to be back," I say, walking out of the building.

I head over to B-Pit, opening the door and startling Uncle Amano who was cleaning the glass cases that hold the Beyblades. A soft smile spreads across his face when he sees me and he lays the cloth he was using down on the case in front of him. "[Name]... I meant to fly down to be there for you and my sister but I couldn't make it. Will you forgive me?" he asks and I nod my head while walking over to him.

"It's okay, Uncle Amano, Mom and I understood and she also gave me this to give to you before she... passed away," I whisper the last two words while handing him pictures of him and my mother from when they were children.

"If you're looking for Madoka she's at the old colosseum with the rest of your friends," Uncle Amano tells me while flipping through the pictures with a reminiscent look in his eyes.

"Thanks, I'll head over there," I say before running out of the store and over to the colosseum. I arrive to see Gingka defeat a guy with a metal mask, causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

Hyoma, Benkei, Hikaru, Kenta, Madoka, and Kyoya congratulate Gingka, when someone I don't recognize walks in. "Tsubasa..." Gingka says in shock and I look at the man around my age with long silver-haired male and hazel eyes.

"Hello, Gingka, I think it's about time I tell you who I really am. I don't work for the Dark Nebula. I'm an undercover WBBA blader and had to infiltrate the organization to get information of Doji. I apologize that I couldn't tell you before, but I would've risked blowing my cover. I hope that I can battle alongside you and the others as a rival and friend," Tsubasa says with a faint smile.

"Of course, Tsubasa!" Gingka grins and they shake hands.

'Time to make myself known' I smirk and slow clap from my spot in the shadows.

Everyone looks in my direction not able to see me. "Who's there?!" Gingka calls out and prepares his launcher.

I step into the light and everyone gasps at the sight of me. "Hey, guys, what all have I missed?"

They smile at me as I flip off the ledge and land on the ground in front of them. "[Name]!" Gingka exclaims and tackles me in a hug along with Kenta and Madoka.

"I missed you all, too, but you're cutting off my oxygen," I gasp as they release me from their death hug.

Tsubasa looks at me with interest and Gingka's eyes widen. "Oh! Tsubasa, this is-"

"[Name] [L/Name]. I already know who she is and it's an honor to actually meet you," Tsubasa cuts him off, and I shake hands with him.

"Nice to meet you, too, Tsubasa. I hope we can be great friends." I send him a smile before turning on my heel to face Kyoya with a smirk, "Aye, Yo-Yo, don't think I forgot about that name that Yu gave you."

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