Chapter 2: Battling the Bull [Edited]

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-12:59 PM-

You weren't sure if you were more impressed or terrified by the sight before you. Gingka scarfed down his hamburgers and hotdogs like a man starved. Where the hell did he store all of it? He was incredibly lean, so either he had an incredibly fast-acting metabolism, or he had some type of superpower. You sweat-dropped as he shoved a few fries in his mouth.

You propped your chin on your hand, watching Gingka eat in pure awe. It took a few minutes for his eyes to meet yours, and he grew flustered and swallowed the bite he had taken before wiping his hands on his napkin.

"Why are you staring at me?" Gingka sheepishly asked.

"I'm fascinated by how much you can eat," you laughed, sipping from your milkshake. "You should slow down, though, Gingka. If you continue eating as fast as you were, you'll get a stomachache, and I'm going to be sad if you throw up all the food I paid for."

"But it's so good!"

Your cheeks heated up at the way his voice cracked. There was something about whiny voices in men that you found just as attractive as deep voices. You leaned back in your seat, sipping more of your milkshake to try and cool your face.

"Just don't blame me when you're stomach hurts," you told Gingka as you grabbed another fry and tossed it in your mouth.

Gingka grinned and returned to eating his food while you shook your head with an amused smile. Madoka and Kenta walked over with a cup of soda, and you waved to them. It had taken them a good ten minutes to finally catch up with you and Gingka after he had dragged you off to this burger shack, and by the time they had arrived, Gingka had already eaten two burgers, three hotdogs, and an order of fries.

"He's still going." Madoka sweat-dropped, tipping her head at Gingka. You nodded, making your cousin sigh before she shook her head. "Anyway... Gingka, since I hadn't completed the maintenance on Pegasus before you went and fought Kyoya, I'm going to need to check out your bey again."

"Okay, just let me finish my burger first," Gingka said.

Gingka happily ate his burger, making you chuckle. At least it was the last thing he had ordered. If he would've gotten more food, either you would've cut him off, or the cook would've stormed out of the kitchen and stopped him himself. Poor guy. You remembered seeing the cook in the back becoming gloomier and gloomier with each item Gingka had ordered until he eventually became frustrated. You had paid a bit extra just because of all the effort he had to put in.

"I want to recheck Ra-Hora as well," Madoka told you.

"I would appreciate that."

Gingka finished his burger, and you slid out of the booth. He gathered all his trash and tossed it before rejoining you, Madoka, and Kenta while adjusting his scarf. There must've been a story behind it for him to continue wearing it despite it having seen better days. You walked over to him, making him tilt his head before you reached forward and lightly looped the scarf so it wouldn't fly off as easily.

"There. Hopefully, you won't lose it again," you said, making Gingka grin.

"Thank you. I love this scarf, and it means a lot to me that you grabbed it for me."

"Of course, Gingka. Money can't replace items you have personal connections to." You patted his shoulder before looking at the door to the burger shack. "Now, come on! Let's get back to B-Pit!"

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