Chapter 3: A Crabby Guy [Edited]

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-June 20th, 2020, 2:17 PM-

The thick foliage of the trees in the forest outside Metal Bey City obscured the sunlight, providing you with shade and cooler air. It was perfect to train in, considering it was a hot day and you didn't want to stand for hours in the direct sunlight. You were so close to finishing Ra-Hora's newest special move, one you had been reminded about after battling Kyoya a few days ago.

"All right, Ra-Hora! Let's do this. Full Power!" you shouted.

It picked up speed and cut down some trees around you with a single hit before moving a few meters in front of you. You took a deep breath before having your bey go for your new special move again. The wind around the area started to pick up, causing the branches of the trees to shake and leaves and twigs to whip around you. The wind progressively picked up, causing some trees to pull out of the ground and lift into the air, swirling around you.

You gleefully laughed. For the first time, Ra-Hora had the special move under control. You could feel it in your veins that Ra-Hora would pull it off.

"Ra-Hora, let's go! Special Move: Burning Wind Vortex!" you exclaimed.

Beads of sweat formed on your face as the air became stifling. Golden flames sparked up around your bey, and you watched in awe as the trees in the windstorm caught on fire from the hot wind. You started laughing as the wind threw everything in different directions before dying down instantly.

"Yes, Ra-Hora! That's it! You did it!" you cheered, catching your bey when it jumped to you.

Your new special move was finally complete, and it was perfect for when your bey was in defense mode. Any bey that got caught in Ra-Hora's windstorm wouldn't survive it. And if a bey didn't stop spinning in the storm, the wind throwing it at the end would cause it to stop. No matter what, you would win. It was an absolute beast of a special move, and you couldn't wait to use it in battle.

You put your bey back in its holder and glanced around the part of the forest you had destroyed. Maybe you should've chosen somewhere else to work on your new special move...

You picked up your bag from the ground, slinging it over your shoulder. You slipped out your phone and checked the time, finding it was nearly half past two. You could use some food after hours of training, especially since you had skipped breakfast and lunch. Not the healthiest of choices you had made.

You walked through the forest, making your way toward the nearest exit. The brace on your right foot limited your motion, forcing you to walk slower and unevenly, but at least you weren't in much pain. Though it annoyed you, and you couldn't wait until your foot was healed and you were done with the brace, you only should have to wear it for another three weeks.

You exited the forest and started your trip back to the city. Metal Bey City was in an ideal location. It sat on Japan's western coastline, so you had access to the beaches, but forests and mountains also surrounded it from the north, east, and south. It was perfect for when you wanted to leave the busy city and get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors.

You opted to take the coastal path back to the city, taking a deep breath and inhaling the sea breeze. If you had a swimsuit, you might've gone down to the beach and relaxed in the water for a bit. It was a perfect day to go swimming. Perhaps you could convince Madoka, Gingka, and Kenta to go to one of the city's beaches with you once you returned.

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