Part 30: Star Fragments and Legendary Bladers

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~eight months later~

[Name]'s POV

"Are you sure you have to go back to Japan?" Masamune clasps onto one of my wrists as I stand in the airport waiting for my plane.

"Hey, don't act like we'll never see each other again; I'll be back, but it's time I head back to Japan," I say, looking up at my raven-haired friend.

"But you just got back from Europe and hanging out with Sophie, Wales, Klaus, and Julian." Zeo frowns and Toby looks down sadly.

"I know and I wish I could stay longer, but I need to go back. Plus- I hung out with you guys for nearly five months straight before going to some different countries," I point out to my friends with a deadpan.

"I wish you could stay longer," Masamune grumbles, and I sigh and face-palm.

"I know, but I have other friends that I should see." I go to hug them, when a bright light heads my way and collides with [B/Name] and the star pendant on my bracelet. I fall backwards in shock and quickly look at my wrist and Bey. "What the hell was that?" I murmur as Zeo pulls me back onto my feet.

"I don't know, but they just announced your plane," he says with a sad smile.

"Well, guys, it's goodbye for now," I breathe out, and they all pull me into tight embraces.

"We're going to miss you, [Name]," Toby whispers in my ear, and the three boys step back and look at me.

I smile up at them, making them blush and look away. "I gotta go, you three." I smile and turn on my heel, jogging towards my gate.

"Tell Gingka that he better watch out, because I won't lose next time!" Masamune calls after me.

I chuckle and send him a thumbs up before disappearing out of their sights and walking onto the plane. My phone buzzes and I look down to see that Wales texted me. 'Heard from Masamune that you're heading back to Japan; have a safe flight, love. Oh, and Sophie says hi' I smile at the text and shoot him a response back before turning off my phone.

The plane begins its ascent and I look out the window to see Zeo, Toby, and Masamune waving at me. I wave back with a sad smile before sitting back in my seat and letting out a quiet sigh. 'It's been eight months since I've seen Gingka, Kyoya, Hyoma, and the rest... I wonder how they're doing' I hum before closing my eyes. 'I guess I'll find out in a few hours' I smirk slightly before drifting off to sleep.


The sun hits my skin and I look around at Metal City, Japan. "I'm back, Japan!" I exclaim, and everyone looks at me with a smile.

"[Name]... is that you?" I look to my right to see Hyoma standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hyoma!" I cry out, and he opens his arms, welcoming me in a hug.

"It's so good to see you again and without an injury, too," he chuckles as we hold each other as close as possible.

"Yeah! I've been more careful, so I haven't gotten hurt since Damian and the Garcia's," I explain as we break the hug, and he holds me at arms length.

"I can feel the power radiating off you... just how much stronger have you gotten?" He cocks an eyebrow and I giggle nervously.

"Heh, that's a good question because even I don't know..." I trail off and the violet-haired male sweat-drops.

"You never change, [Name]. That's a good thing," he chuckles, and I hear cheering coming from Bey Stadium.

"There's a battle going on?" I hum, and Hyoma nods his head.

A Blader's Heart (Beyblade Metal Saga X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora