Part 31: Dammit, Ryuga, Stop Being So Stubborn

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~the next day~

[Name]'s POV

"Hey, you guys!" Madoka says when one of the screens in the WBBA headquarters changes to show our friends in Wang Hu Zhong.

My eyes widen and I quickly jump into the frame and flash a peace sign. "Hey, you guys, look who's here," I announce with a smile.

"Babe, you're back in Japan I see!" Chao Xin smiles and winks at me while Dashan glares slightly at his friend before looking at me.

"It's nice to see you, [Name], and without injury," he chuckles with a small smirk.

"Haven't gotten a new injury since the World Championships," I say before looking over to the screen Gingka and Kenta are looking at to see Masamune appear. "Madoka, explain everything to them." I nod my head towards Wang Hu Zhong before popping into the frame beside Gingka. "Masamune, it's been forever," I joke and he smiles at me.

"Yeah, it's not like I just saw you a few days ago or anything," he laughs, and I hear some shuffling from his side of the call.

"[Name], we miss you already please come back." Zeo and Toby appear on screen with a pout.

"I'm sorry, guys, but a lot of shit is happening right now. I'll let Gingka and Kenta explain because I have some people I need to talk to," I tell them and wink at my three childhood friends who blush. I walk over to Ryo who's standing by one of the screens not being use. "Ryo, did you get into contact with Excalibur?"

"Yes, they are expecting a call from you," he tells me, and I stand in front of the screen and hit the call button.

A faint beeping sound fills the room until a loading sign appears and I smile as Wales, Julian, Klaus, and Sophie appear on screen. "Hey, you guys." I smile with a wink, making Wales blush and look away only for Sophie to start laughing.

"Hello, [Name], is something the matter? This call seems rather urgent." Julian frowns slightly and I nod my head.

"Tons of shit is going down and I need to fill you guys in, but first," I pull out my Bey and show them it, "look at my Bey."

"Why does it look like that?" Sophie asks and I place it back in my holster.

"A star fragment hit my Bey and transformed it. There was another star fragment that fell and it split into ten pieces and transformed ten other Beys. We already know of three who have it, but have any of your Bey's changed within the past few days?" I ask, and they shake their heads. "Keep an eye on your Bey then; if you have a star fragment in it, it'll transform from your Bey spirit," I tell them, and Klaus crosses his arms.

"There's something else about the star fragments. I can see the worry on your face," he points out.

"You see, there is some evil people out there trying to revive the God of Destruction Bey, Nemesis, and we can't let that happen. Gingka, Kenta, myself, and some of our other friends are trying to track down the other seven bladers with the star fragment because if Nemesis is revived the world will end," I tell them with a grim look.

Sophie gasps and covers her mouth while Wales looks at me. "Who are the legendary bladers that you know of so far?" the ginger asks me with a hint of a smile.

"So far the bladers we know of are Gingka, Kyoya, Ryuga, and myself," I state, and their eyes widen.

"Ryuga?" Julian frowns at the name and I nod my head.

"Yes, but we need your help. If you find out that you or someone else has a star fragment, contact Madoka or me. We can't let them join sides with the bad guys because if they do it will speed up Nemesis's revival which is extremely bad."

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