Part 27: [Name], You Can't Participate in the Finals

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~the next day~

[Name]'s POV

"Hey, Coach," I say as my team and I walk into the Dungeon Gym for some training.

Coach Steel pours some coffee into a mug before looking at us. "Well, aren't you guys the early birds," he chuckles, and Madoka heads off to use the maintenance room.

"Not preferably, but we came here for some practice," I say with a sheepish smile.

"Yu, Tsubasa, come with me. We need to hurry if you want to use Libra and Eagle in time for the final battle," Madoka tells them from the doorway to the room, and they run off after her.

"Hurry up, you guys, it gets boring to only Battle Masamune," Gingka sighs while my childhood friend gains a tick mark.

"There are other bladers, Gingka," I point out with a singsong tone, and many of the bladers at the gym step forward.

"We want to battle you guys!" they exclaim, causing me to grin.

"Is that okay, Coach? For us to battle?" one of the bladers asks Coach Steel who nods his head.

"Definitely, it's not everyday you get a chance to battle world class bladers. You'll find you learn a lot from them," he tells the kid, and Masamune, Kenta, Gingka, myself, and a few other bladers surround one of the stadiums.

"All right, you guys, don't hold back on us now," I tell the bladers, and we countdown before launching.

Some of the bladers start clashing with me and [B/Name] deflects them all back and out of the stadium. "Aww, taken out by one blow..." the three bladers who attacked me sigh.

"You guys are too tense. Try to loosen up some it'll help out in battles." I smile at them and [B/Name] returns to me.

"Hey, you guys, I'm heading out for a bit!" I call out to my friends before walking out of the gym.

I saunter around the city, when three bladers in dark grey uniforms point a launcher at me. A red laser beam emits from the launcher and I stop in my tracks. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" my voice is icy as I reach behind me for my launcher and Bey.

"[Name] [L/Name], you are to follow us without any resistance," one of the bladers says, and I smirk.

"What makes you think I won't resist?" I chuckle, and they launch their Bey's at me. I launch [B/Name] and my Bey quickly knocks theirs up into the sky. The three Beys topple to the ground and I catch [B/Name]. "Now, I'll ask again: who the fuck are you?" I growl with a dark aura surrounding me.

"We are bladers from the HD Academy and we have been summoned to bring you to our headquarters," one of the bladers tells me, and that's when I notice the logo on their uniform

'The HD Academy, huh? Now would be the perfect chance to see what's going on there' I eye the guys in front of me cautiously before stepping towards them. "Fine. Take me to your headquarters, but just so you know- if you try anything on me, you'll be making a mistake." I stare them down harshly and they shiver under my gaze.

"R-right this way, m-miss," they stutter before turning and walking off.

I follow behind them, keeping my guard up as they stay silent. We arrive at a rocky plateau with what seems to be a city in the middle, and I look around in surprise. "I've lived in New York nearly my entire life, but I've never seen this place," I mutter as they lead us down some stairs and through the city to the tallest building. 'This place is giving me Dark Nebula vibes... I was right to be wary of them' I look around at my surroundings, and the three bladers lead me inside.

A Blader's Heart (Beyblade Metal Saga X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu