Chapter 4: Kyoya Returns [Edited]

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Twigs snapped under your shoes as you made your way through the forest. You should've been closing in on the Dark Nebula's headquarters. You wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't, and you couldn't tolerate another hour's worth of walking. Not when your injured foot ached in pain.

Stepping out of the forest, you found a castle-like structure before you. It sat near the edge of a cliff overlooking part of the ocean. The dark, monotone colors made it feel lifeless and somewhat intimidating. This was not a place the average person would want to stumble upon. It had to belong to the Dark Nebula. It had Doji written all over it.

You slowly approached the large doors of the building, eyeing the walls to each side of them. When you got close, multiple slats opened up, and beyblades shot out of them at you. You grabbed your launcher and bey, launching Ra-Hora, which moved through the air and took out all the other beys with one simple hit.

There was no way this building wasn't Dark Nebula's HQ. Your mother had remembered well. A confrontation with Doji was certainly in order, but your main goal was to find Kyoya and get him out of there. His pursuit for power blinded him, and he didn't realize the danger he had put himself in. Doji wouldn't just help Kyoya grow stronger to defeat you and Gingka. He had an ulterior motive, and he would use Kyoya to achieve it and then toss him aside once he was useless.

"Open the doors, Ra-Hora," you told your bey, which spun forward and pushed one of the doors until it opened.

You slipped your hands in your pockets as you walked forward, passing through the open door into the large foyer. Multiple bladers wearing Dark Nebula uniforms rushed toward you, launching their beys to attack. Ra-Hora appeared in front of you within a second, and it spun faster, creating sharp winds inside the room. The wind caught the beys and threw them into the surrounding walls.

Some of the bladers stumbled back and fell in pure shock, and you sauntered toward one of them with a dark expression. He scrambled backward, back thumping against the wall while you held up your hand and caught Ra-Hora.

"Why don't we make this easy?" you stated, glaring down at the blader at your feet. "Where's Doji?"

"He... he took this guy named Kyoya to W-Wolf Canyon."

"Wolf Canyon? So he's not here, then? Neither of them are?"

"No. But Doji... he should be back soon." The man shakily pointed at the elevator. "His office is on the top floor."

You huffed, glancing over at the sleek elevator in the foyer. You were too late to intercept Kyoya. Dammit. If you had arrived earlier, you might've had a chance to run into him. You didn't know much about Wolf Canyon, but you had heard of it, and you doubted Kyoya would return from there anytime soon.

"Doji's not worth this, you know?" you said, glancing down at the man by your feet. "He only wants power for himself. He doesn't care about you."

You turned away from the blader and walked over to the elevator, pressing the button with an up arrow on it. The doors immediately slid open, and you stepped inside, clicking the button for the top floor and then leaning against one of the walls. You felt like you had some privacy once the doors shut, but you were conscious of the camera facing you. Your eyes flickered to the upper left-hand corner where a tiny camera rested, a red light blinking every other second.

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