Part 16: Ryuga Saves the Day

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[Name]'s POV

I pull myself the rest of the way up the mountain and stand on the dirt ledge by the entrance to a cave. The sound of heavy training coming from inside fills my ears and I walk forward with interest. "L-Drago!" a familiar voice growls as some of the stone ceiling breaks off and falls into the lava below.

I smirk as I walk further into the cave to see the white-haired dragon emperor training hard. He whips around once I step into the open area where he's training in and launches his Bey at me. My eyes widen a fraction and I pull out my launcher and send [B/Name] out to counter the attack. Our Beys clash before L-Drago lands and continues to spin beside Ryuga and I catch [B/Name] after it returns to me.

"Not how I expected to be greeted, but hey, Ryuga, it's been a bit," I chuckle as he finally realizes it's me.

"[Name], what the hell are you doing here?" he asks as he catches L-Drago in his hand.

I bite my bottom lip and look into the lava before turning my attention back to him. "I need your help."

His golden eyes widen for a second before narrowing sharply as if trying to examine me. "If you were anyone else I would decline, but I'm interested in why you tracked me down here just for help." Ryuga eyes me as I walk over so I'm only a few feet away from him.

"I see you've controlled L-Drago," I point out, glancing at his Bey which looks different.

"Yes, I now battle as one with my Bey, Meteo L-Drago. Now, [Name], stop avoiding whatever you wanted to ask me," Ryuga growls and I sigh.

"You remember Tsubasa, right?" I ask and he glances up before nodding his head.

"He was my second opponent in Battle Bladers, am I correct?" He frowns and I nod my head.

"Yeah, well, Tsubasa just battled Kyoya and some of the dark power took over him. He didn't realize what the power was but I know for a fact it was what controlled you," I explain and Ryuga crosses his arms across his broad chest, his cloak fluttering behind him.

"Did you tell him?" He sends me a sharp look and I shake my head.

"No, I didn't. I decided to track you down to see if you could give me any tips to help him," I admit and Ryuga scowls.

"You're going to have to tell him to help him, [Name]." The L-Drago user rolls his eyes with a sneer.

"Well, I will, but I need you to tell me what you did because I've never had to try and control dark power so I don't want to give him any wrong tips," I state in frustration, and Ryuga stares down at me before sighing.

"I found true power with L-Drago. Tsubasa needs to remember what he's fighting for and to not resist the power, that's the only way to control it," he tells me, and I nod my head.

"Thanks, Ryuga, now how about a battle? We've been meaning to have one for a while now and I don't see any reason why we shouldn't." I smirk, attaching my Bey to my launcher.

"Fair trade, information for a battle. Let's do this." Ryuga grins, and we find a spot to battle at. "I'll show you just how strong my Meteo L-Drago and I are!" He smirks as we both get ready to launch.

"Don't you dare hold out on me, Ryuga. I haven't waited for over four months just to defeat you with ease," I taunt and he sneers at me.

"Three, two, one... let it rip!" We both pull our ripcords and our Bey's are launched onto a piece of stone that sits above the lava.

[B/Name] and L-Drago spin opposite ways around the stadium and when they clash head on a shockwave of power is sent out. "Rather disappointed that you're not using reverse-rotation," Ryuga scoffs, sending me a small glare.

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