Chapter One - Order 66

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In the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Jedi architect Droid Professor Huyang oversees the training of a group of Younglings known as the Kybuck Clan. Zatt and Ganodi along with Gungi and Byph were training their Shii-Cho form on seeker droids. As the youngling deflect the blast, Zatt gets hit in the shoulder.

Zatt: Ow!

Some of the other younglings chuckle, but are soon shot themselves. Huyang quickly points out their errors.

Huyang: Focus younglings. You must always maintain focus. Focus could mean life or death in battle.

Zatt: Yes Professor Huyang.

Ganodi: We'll do better!

The architect droid smiles at the young Jedi . In the same room, Katooni and Petro were sparring with practice blades. Katooni manages to trip her partner.

Petro: Hey what was that?!

Katooni: A diversion.

As Katooni helps her partner up, a Jedi Master with entered the training room. The arrival of the Jedi Master grabs Huyang's attention.

Huyang: Master Cin Drallig! What a wonderful surprise!

Cin Drallig: How are the students, Professor Huyang?

Huyang: They are showing remarkable progress.

Cin Drallig smiles as he gathers the Kybuck Clan.

Cin Drallig: You have all made good progress in your training, but you all have only just begun. In time, I have no doubt you will all become wise Jedi. 

As the Younglings smiled at each other, Cin Drallig sense a disturbance in the Force. He paused for a moment as he felt light headed. 

Katooni: Master Drallig? What's wrong? 

Cin Drallig: I....I felt a great disturbance in the Force. 

As Cin Drallig said this, the Kybuck Clan suddenly hear blaster shots coming from inside the Temple. 

Petro: Did you guys hear that? 

Byph: <Are we under attack?> 

As confusion began to engulf the Younglings, Gungi looked from a window and saw Clone Troopers of the 501st shooting down Jedi Knights. 

Gungi: <Guys! Look!>

The Younglings then saw what Gungi saw. Seeing Clones shooting and killing Jedi, the Younglings were shocked. 

Zatt: This can't be right! Why would the Clones attack us? This has to be some kind of Separatist trick!

As Zatt asked that, a group of Clones were seen approaching the room they were in. Cin Drallig immediately pulls out his Lightsaber.

Cin Drallig: Professor, protect the students!

Without hesitation, Professor Huyang took the Kybuck Clan and hid them behind a Jedi statue. As the Clones breached the room, Cin Drallig assumed a combative stance.

Cin Drallig: How dare you desecrate this sacred ground?!

Clone Trooper: Open fire!

The Clone Troopers began firing on Cin Drallig, but the Clones were no match for the Jedi Master. As Cin Drallig cut down the Clones, they were overcome with fear. Petro kept his grip on his Lightsaber, ready to defend his friends. As one of the Clones moved closer to where the Younglings were hiding, Jedi Knight Serra Keto arrived in the room and activated her two green Lightsabers. 

Clone Trooper: Jedi in sight! Open fire! 

The Clones begins firing on Serra, but she holds her own against the Clones. Wanting to help her, the Younglings activated her Lightsabers and began assisting Serra. When the last Clone is killed, Serra gathered the Younglings. 

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