Chapter Four - The Conformatorium

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After joining up with Luz, Eda and King, the Kybuck Clan joins them in their mission to recover King's crown in the Conformatorium. As they reached the Conformatorium, they hid behind a wall.

Eda: The Conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society.

Luz turns around to see Eda on a wanted poster.

Luz: Whoa. These guys really have the hots for you.

Eda: Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery.

King: Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella. You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown.

Ganodi: I've got a bad feeling about this....

Byph: I...I don't like this, guys!

Petro: Don't worry, Byph! We got this in the bag!

Huyang: We must practice caution, young Petro. There's no telling what kind of dangers we may find here....

Eda: I'm gonna make sure the warden's distracted.

Luz: Will I need a disguise?

Eda: Uh...

Luz: I've been waiting to use this.

Without hesitation, Luz pulls her hood on, showing off cat ears.

Luz: Meow, meow.

King: It's hideous.

Eda: Oh, you'll fit right in.

Eda taps the butt of her staff against the ground, creating a round glowing platform.

Eda: Hang on tight.

The platform rises, floating all the way up to a window in the tower. It disappears suddenly, forcing the Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang along with Luz to grab the edge of the window sill and King to cling to her feet.

Eda: See you at the top of the tower!

Petro: Geez....give a warning next time, Grandma!

Zatt: Could be worse.

King: Ha ha!

With that, the Kybuck Clan and Huyang along with Luz and King begin exploring the room they were in. Soon enough, they came across a room with dozens of cells. All had people and beasts locked inside.

Luz: Whoa...

Katooni: I...I don't understand. What did these people do to deserve being locked up in here?

Gungi: <This....this isn't right!>

As the group explore the facility, one of the prisoners spoke up.

Katya: Hey, cat lady, how'd you get out of your cell?

Luz: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a cat. Also, I'm not a criminal.

King: Not yet, you're not.

Katya: Neither are we. The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in. Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. I like food, I like love... Just let me write about it.

As some of other nearby prisoners spoke up about how they ended up here, Katooni spoke up.

Katooni: There....there has to be someway we can help you all!

Katya: Your best bet is to get to the top of the tower. Just take the stairwell. It'll take you right there. But there's lots of guards.

Petro: Let us worry about the guards. Luz, you go find the crown. We'll find a way to get these cells open.

With that, the Kybuck Clan and Huyang make their way to the top of the tower. Eventually, they reached the security level of the tower. They spot a magic based contraption which seemed to power the various mechanical mechanisms.

Huyang: What a curious thing.

Petro: Here goes nothing!

Petro then activates his Lightsaber and swings at the contraption. As soon as his Lightsaber hits the contraption, a magic beam blasts Petro back against a wall.

Katooni: Petro!

Katooni runs over to Petro and checks on him. After a moment, Petro groans in pain.

Katooni: Are you alright?!

Petro: I'll be fine. Ow....that hurt.

Zatt: That hurt just to watch.

Huyang: Remember, there are alternatives to fighting.

As Huyang said this, a squadron of Coven Guards entered the room, investigating the commotion. Upon seeing the Jedi, the Coven Guards drew their weapons. 

Coven Guard: Intruders!

Petro: Sithspit! Zatt, see if you can help Katooni disable that contraption! We'll cover you!

Zatt: On it!

With that, Petro along with Ganodi, Gungi and Byph took the fight to the Coven Guards while Katooni along with Zatt and Huyang began working on disabling the contraption. 

Zatt: I've never seen anything like this! Whatever's powering this, it's not electricity!

Katooni: There has to be a way we can disrupt the energy flow! If we can disrupt the energy flow, we can disable it entirely!

Zatt: It's worth a shot!

With that, Katooni and Zatt reached out to the Force and gripped the contraption. As they did so, a Coven Guard managed to get past Petro and the others. The Coven Guard charges at them, but Huyang steps in.

Huyang: You will not harm these students on my watch!

Without warning, Huyang soundly takes down the Coven Guard, kicking him out the window of the tower. Soon enough, Katooni and Zatt gained a strong grip on the contraption. Once they did so, they concentrated on disrupting the energy flow. When they did, the magic began building up. With the flow disrupted, the magic powering the contraption began to overload. Eventually, the buildup of magic caused the contraption to explode. The shockwave of the explosion knocked everyone back. When the smoke cleared, the Kybuck Clan slowly got up.

Petro: Sithspit...

Gungi: <Such power....what was that?>

Katooni: I...I don't know. 

Petro looked outside the tower to see all the cells opening. Petro watched with a smirk on his face as many of the prisoners began running out of their cells. 

Petro: Barely in here for a day and we're already doing a good deed. 

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. 

Katooni: We're not out of this yet! Luz might need our help! 

With that, the Kybuck Clan and Huyang exited the tower and began making their way back to Luz. Though they helped many people escape the Conformatorium, the battle was not yet over. 

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