Chapter Three - A Chance Encounter

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After crash landing on this strange world, the Kybuck Clan make their way to the city. When they enter the city, they found that the city was inhabited by all sorts of strange looking locals. It wasn't long before the people of this city began to stare at the Kybuck Clan.

Petro: Something tells me they don't get a lot of galactic visitors.

Gungi: <Do you think the Clones might be stationed here?>

Huyang: We would've encountered them by now. Stay alert.

With that, the Kybuck Clan continued to walk the streets of the city. They couldn't help but feel that something was off. When they reached the market square, they found even more people as well as a few monsters. They also saw no sign of any starship technology or any advanced technology for that matter.

Zatt: I don't think the Clones are here. I'm starting to get the feeling that we crashed in the wrong planet. I'm not seeing any kind of technology here.

Ganodi: There has to be something we can use!

???: Halt!

Upon being stopped by the guard, the Kybuck Clan turn around to face the guard. It wasn't long before the large guard was surrounded by other guards.

???: On behalf of the Emperor's Coven, identify yourself now!

Katooni: Listen...we're not looking for trouble. We're just....

Coven Guard: Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors. You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium.

As the Guard says this, they walk past the Kybuck Clan and towards a middle aged woman standing next to a human girl. 

Eda: Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat.

Coven Guard: And you're coming too...

The Guard then grabs the girl by the hood. 

Coven Guard: ....for fraternizing with a criminal.

At this point, the Kybuck Clan couldn't stand around and allow this injustice to happen, the Kybuck Clan stepped forward.

Katooni: Leave them alone!

Coven Guard: This doesn't concern you! 

Petro: Picking on a kid and an old lady? Big man, aren't you?

Eda: Hey! Oh, all right, all right, you win. Just let me get my stuff.

Eda reaches under the table and grabs her staff, swinging it at the guard. He falls to the ground with a grunt. Eda spins her staff and taps the bottom of it on the table, making all her stuff float in midair. The girl picks herself and her book off the ground. The Kybuck Clan were shocked to see this.

Huyang: My goodness!

Byph: Is she using the Force?!

Eda: Whoops. Can't forget this.

Eda reaches into her hair and pulls out the key, pressing the eye to summon the portal door. She closes her hand into a fist, making the tablecloth wrap itself around all of her stuff. She sticks her staff through the bundle and starts running.

Eda: Follow me, Human!

As Eda and the girl walk through the portal, the Kybuck Clan follow them on instinct. Professor Huyang followed them into the portal. The Kybuck Clan soon find themselves standing before a large house made from white brick with a sloping blue roof. A stained glass window above the door gives the impression of a large orange demon eye. As they walk through the door, an Owl Face greets them.

???: Hooty Hoot Hoot!

Eda: It's just me, Hooty. I got some guests.

Petro: Whoa....

Eda: Welcome to the Owl House!

Candles ignite. A fire in the fireplace starts, a cauldron starts stirring itself, and a broom starts sweeping the floor. Overhead, a depiction of an owl beast of some kind begins to glow with a great screeching noise. Both the Kybuck Clan and the girl look at all of this in awe.

Katooni: This place is beautiful....

Eda: Actually, I have a roommate.

Suddenly, a small demon appears before them. 

???: Who dares intrude upon I, the king of demons?

Girl: ¡Ay, que lindo!  Eda, he's so cute! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?

King: No! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda, who is this monster?

Eda: Oh, this is Luz, the Human. She's here to help us with our little... situation.

King: Oh! Hooray!

As King says this, Eda turns her attention to the Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang. 

Eda: Well you're the weirdest group of kids I've ever seen.

Petro: Who're you calling weird, old lady?!

Eda: Someone who just saved your life, you snot nosed little punk!

Petro: From where I was standing, we were just about to save yours!

At this point, Katooni and Luz stepped between Eda and Petro.

Katooni: Let's start over. I'm Katooni. These are my friends Petro, Zatt, Ganodi, Gungi and Byph. 

Huyang: And I am Professor Huyang! A pleasure to meet you all!

Luz: So cool!

Soon enough, Eda tells everyone about the situation she spoke of earlier. From what she said, King was a King of Demons who had his crown stolen by someone called Warden Wrath.

Petro: Well why don't you get the crown yourself?

Eda: I can't. The crown is locked away behind a magical force field that only a Human can break through. A human like You, Luz. If you help us retrieve his crown, we'll send you back to your realm. So whaddya say? Plus, who could say no to this cute face?

King: No! Please don't encourage her! Nyeh!

Eda: I mean, we're kinda your only way home.

Luz: So I don't really have a choice, do I?

Eda: What about you, kids? Wanna tag along? 

Katooni: If this crown really means that much to King, then who are we to reject his help?

Ganodi: Are you sure that's a good idea? What if the Clones find us?

Luz: Clones?

Petro: It's a long story.

Katooni: At the end of the day, we're still Jedi. Remember what Master Kenobi said. We must persevere. 

One by one, the rest of the Kybuck Clan joined Katooni. In that moment, the Kybuck Clan joined Luz, Eda and King in their mission to get King's crown. But what the Kybuck Clan didn't know was their they would soon find a new path. 

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