Chapter Nine - Rescue

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As Katooni, Petro, Gungi and Luz were trapped by Adegast's tentacles, the creature laughs. 

Luz: Okay, Luz. Don't panic. This is classic Chosen One biz. You just have to rescue everybody and defeat the final boss.

Adegast: I am everybody! You fool, don't you see? I'm no wizard. And you're no Chosen One. I've tricked you!

Petro: I gotta say, this is a pretty elaborate trap you got set. But there's one thing you didn't count on.

Adegast: And what would that be?

Petro: You've never faced a Jedi before!

Petro then uses the Force to activate his Lightsaber. He then cuts himself and the others free. Katooni and Gungi reach for their Lightsabers and form around Luz. 

Katooni: Luz, get out of here! We'll hold him off!

At first, Luz was about to run, but she felt guilty for leading Katooni, Petro and Gungi into this mess. Instead of leaving, Luz stays behind and fights. But the fight ends quickly as the four are restrained by the tentacles.

Luz: Why are you doing this?

Adegast: Your mentor has been stealing customers from my potions business for years. She must be destroyed.

Luz: Does everybody have a beef with Eda here?

Petro: Are you freaking kidding me?! All this just because Eda stole some of your customers?!

Katooni: You won't get away with this!

Adegast: And you lured her right into my trap, all because you wanted to think you were special.

Luz: No. Joke's on you, 'cause Eda isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap.

As Luz says this, Eda comes flying to the scene on her staff.

Eda: Adegast!

Luz: Oh, heck!

Adegast: I have you now!

Eda: That's right. You have me. Now release Luz.

It was at this moment that Adegast attempts to tempt Luz by using her fantasy dreams. Luz resists the temptation as she breaks free from Adegast's tentacles. Eda then proceeds to free Katooni, Petro and Gungi. It wasn't long before Zatt and Ganodi along with Byph and Huyang arrived. 

Petro: What took you so long?!

Zatt: We ran into some complications on the way!

Ganodi: I see you've gotten yourselves in a real tight spot!

Katooni: We're just glad that you're here! 

As a fierce fight broke out, the Kybuck Clan launched a coordinated attack on Adegast. The Kybuck Clan joins Luz in striking down the creations of Adegast. During the fighting, Katooni and Petro use the Force to grip a large tree. They then throw it at Adegast. Stunned by the attack, Zatt and Ganodi charge at him and land several strikes with their Lightsabers. This allows Byph and Gungi to jump on top of Adegast and cut his tentacles. Petro then uses the Force to grip Katooni and throws her at Adegast. She then strikes Adegast with an twirling overhead strike. Stunned by the Kybuck Clan's attack, Luz kicks her sword, sending it flying point first into Adegast's head. He screams and drops King, who is caught by Luz. The scream changes pitch as Adegast shrinks to less than an eighth of his previous size.

Petro: What the hell?

Luz: I'm confused...

Eda: Well, that's the last time I take an outside referral.

Without hesitation, Eda eats Adegast much to everyone's shock.

Byph: ate him! 

Eda: What? Did you want some?

Ganodi: I....I'm pretty sure we're good. 

Eda: Thinking of calling it quits, huh?

Luz: This place is nothing like I imagined.

Eda: Hmm. Maybe not here. But come with me. I got something to show you.The two of you can tag along if you like.

Petro: As long as it's not another death trap, I'm good.

With that, Eda takes the Kybuck Clan and Luz along with Professor Huyang above the sky. Eda had instructed them to keep their eyes closed. When they opened their eyes, they saw the whole of the Boiling Isles: the decomposing body of a Titan. It's laying with its arms splayed in the sea, its skull illuminated by the setting Sun.

Petro: You're telling me this place is on a giant corpse?!

Gungi: <This place is definitely not like Kashyyyk.>

Eda: The bones of the Isles. Up close, the Isles can be slimy‐‐

King: And very stinky.

Eda: And gross. But if you look at it from a different perspective...

Everyone then looks to the sky above the Titan's skull, where stars are beginning to appear. As they watch, a shooting star crosses the sky for a brief moment.

Katooni: It's beautiful.

Luz: Eda, how did you know that wizard was lying?

Eda: Look, kid, everyone wants to believe they're "chosen". But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, we'd die waiting. And that's why you need to choose yourself.

Petro: For once, I agree with the Owl Lady.

Huyang: A good friend once told me that everybody always figures the time they live in is the most epic, most important age to end all ages. But tyrants and heroes rise and fall, and historians sort out the pieces.

Eda: That's actually really wise of you, you bucket of bolts. .

Huyang: Jolee Bindo was a wise man.

Luz: Does that mean you'll give me a magic staff of my own?

Eda: Not yet. But... someday.

Katooni: Luz, there's much of this world that we don't understand. But one thing is clear. The Force brought us together for a reason. No matter what happens, we will always remain by your side. 

With that, Eda took the others back to the Owl House. In that moment, Mission and Zaalbar got their first taste of the Boiling Isles. Despite the chaotic nature of the place, Mission and Zaalbar were more than prepared to tackle any challenges that came their way.

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