Chapter Six - First Job

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After the Kybuck Clan joined up at the Owl House, they quickly made themselves at home. They all had so share a room on the second floor of the Owl House which was right across from Luz's. In that time, the Kybuck Clan became fast friends with Luz with the Kybuck Clan telling Luz about their adventures. 

Luz: So you're telling me you all joined a circus group to infiltrate a gang stronghold to rescue your teacher? That sounds so cool!

Petro: You bet we did!

 Katooni: Maybe some of the stuff was...exaggerated.

Gungi:  <It was certainly a frightening experience to be sure!>

Luz looks at Gungi with confused eyes as she didn't understand what he was saying. Zatt was quick to translate.

Zatt: Gungi says it was pretty scary, but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle!

After that round of stories, the Kybuck Clan along with Luz made their way downstairs where Eda was drinking Apple Blood. Luz was more than eager to learn magic, but Eda seemed stingy.

Luz: Teach me some spells. When do I get a magic staff? Was I supposed to bring my own runes? Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?

Eda: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kid. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. Also, you're wrapped in a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen.

Petro: Honestly, we've seen worse. 

Eda: And let me guess, you also want to become big time witches as well?

Ganodi: I mean....we technically already are. 

Eda: Oh right. The Force. The Almighty Force.

Byph: You don't believe in the Force, don't you?

Eda: Sounds like a lot of mystical mumbo jumbo to me. 

Petro: That's pretty big talk since you deal with magic, grandma. Where we come from, some people see the Force and magic as the same thing. 

Eda: Ha! Now, witches are awarded their staffs from school. With me as your teacher, you'll be taking a different approach. You'll have to work for it. I run a few businesses. On weekends, I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm.

Eda then pulls out a toy sword and presses a button which plays a voice recording. 

Petro: That's "rare human treasures"? Those are junk!

Eda: Oh and I suppose you know a thing or two about business?

Petro: Maybe not as much as some people I know, but hawking all this junk is more likely to piss somebody off that anything! 

Eda: Pfft. Yeah right. Today you'll deliver packages and sell potions to that town over there, Bonesborough. You'll have to be careful. I have rivals everywhere who'd love to take my business down and you along with it. You wanted a dangerous magical quest? Sister, you've got one.

Luz: I won't let you down, Miss Eda.

Luz turns to salute Eda, dropping the sack of potions off the balcony in the process. Everyone watches it fall, Luz wincing when it crashes loudly on the ground. As another potion was about to fall off the balcony, Professor Huyang manages to catch it. He then puts it inside one of the other sacks.

Huyang: Here. Try to be more careful, Miss Noceda. 

Eda: Remember, never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once. Good luck!

Eda then slams the door on the Kybuck Clan and Luz.

Petro: Geez! Are you sure you want to learn from the grandma? 

Eda: I can hear that!

Byph: We should....probably get going before you get in any more trouble with her. 

It wasn't long before King joined them who appeared grumpy. As they made their way to Bonesborough, various types of demons pass, all of which Luz stare at in amazement.

King: It's rude to stare.

Luz: I've only seen places like this in my dreams. It's incredible. And I'm the only human here?

King: Haven't seen any others.

Luz: Wow! There must be a reason for that, right? Why am I here? What if I, Luz Noceda, average teen, actually had...a predetermined path of greatness? Just like Azura!

Katooni: Azura?

Luz:'ve never read Azura the Good Witch?! 

Petro: First we're hearing of it. 

Luz: That does it! As soon as we're done here, I'm showing you all Azura! But focus! Today I'm delivering packages, but tomorrow I'll be earning the respect of everyone on the Boiling Isles with my magical prowess.

King: Ha! Good luck. The Boiling Isles is nothing but a cesspool of despair.

Luz: More like a cesspool of delight.

Petro: Is that even a real thing? 

With that, the Kybuck Clan began helping Luz sell the potions Eda had given them. After some time, the four were sitting on the curb, exhausted.

King: I know I've had enough delight for one day.

Luz: I thought being the only human in a magical world would make me special. But apparently, it just makes everyone want to scream at me me. At this point, Azura had already been sent on an enchanted quest. Where's my quest‐granting wizard?

King: Sorry to break it to you, Luz, but no one here is that well‐dressed.

Luz: This has been a rough day. Let's just deliver this last package and go home. Maybe this world isn't what I thought it wa....

Luz sees that the next place was a large castle with golden banners illuminated by sunlight. The doorbell is also made of gold, and towering wooden doors open after Luz presses it.

King: Big houses always belong to big whackjobs. Let's kick the package inside and get outta here.

Petro: For once, I agree with the little fuzzball. Let's just...

Before Petro could finish her sentence, Luz was already walking into the house.

Gungi: <It would appear that we're going inside.>

Katooni: I've got a bad feeling about this....

In that moment, the Kybuck Clan and King followed Luz into the castle. What they didn't know was that their first job was about to get more complicated. 

The Kybuck Clan: An Owl House StoryWhere stories live. Discover now