Chapter Ten - Dreams Of Magic School

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After the incident with Adegast, life went on for those living at the Owl House. Luz was still eager to start up her apprenticeship. As for the Kybuck Clan, they continued to help out around the Owl House, doing small jobs for Eda. One day, they all went to a beached trash slug to scavenge for anything that could be sold.

Eda: Well, Luz! Did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breathtaking as this?

Ganodi: Are we seriously digging through a dead carcass? 

Luz: Yeah, I don't like this.

Eda: Yes, it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside. Until, blam, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then we get to sell the stuff it ate.

Luz: Please don't make me do this....

King: Aw, come on, Luz. It's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass.

Petro: Says you, you little fur ball. 

Eda: Ah, nuts to you both.

With that, the Kybuck Clan and Luz hesitantly joined Eda in rummaging through the Trash Slug. As they did so, Luz became curious about her apprenticeship.

Luz: So, Eda... What if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship? ancient scrolls or mix together potions, or....

Eda: Ugh. That sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff.

Luz: Wait. Is there a magic school here? Like, winding towers, cute uniforms, dark plots that threaten your life kind of magic school?

Eda: Mm-hmm. What's worse, they force you to learn magic the "proper" way. But magic isn't proper. It's wild and unpredictable. And that's why it's so beautiful. I didn't finish school, and look at me! Who wouldn't envy where I am right now?

Flies are flying around the pile of trash Eda is currently standing in. Luz's expression falls.

Eda: Uh... Hey, here's a lesson. A great witch is resourceful, like this.

As Eda attempts to teach Luz a lesson, the Kybuck Clan continues to dig through the Trash Slug.

Luz: Hey, do they have...a magic school where you come from? 

As Luz asked that, the Kybuck Clan fell silent. The wounds felt during the fall of the Jedi Temple was still fresh on their minds. It was at this moment that Professor Huyang stepped forward.

Huyang: I'm afraid that won't be possible, young Luz. The school longer in operation. 

Katooni: But....we'll be more than happy to teach you what we know. 

Luz smiled at Katooni's kindness. Eda drags Luz's hand back and forth before letting go. Luz continues digging until she pulls something out.

Luz: Oh, hey. Greasy slime ball.

Eda: Use your slime ball wisely, young witch. 

As Luz found something, the Kybuck Clan were rummaging through a pile of their own. The whole ordeal disgusted them to no end. 

Byph: This is disgusting! 

Ganodi: The smell's even worse! 

As the Kybuck Clan powered on through, they eventually found something within the pile. Katooni pulled out what appeared to be a Jedi Holocron. 

Gungi: <Is that a Jedi Holocron?!>

Zatt: No way! How did it end up here?!

Luz: What did you find? 

Huyang: That right there is a Jedi Holocron.

Luz: A what now?

Katooni: A Holocron is an artifact that stores information and teachings on the Jedi Order. 

Katooni then uses the Force to activate the Holocron. As the Holocron activates, the holoprojection of a female Cathar Jedi Master appeared. 

Huyang: This must be the Holocron of Jedi Master Juhani! I wonder how this Trash Slug came to have such an esteemed artifact in it's...digestive tracts?

Juhani(Holoprojection): I am Master Juhani, knight of the Jedi Order. The temptation of the Dark Side is a powerful one. I have fallen to that temptation before out of fear. But I was saved from that darkness by a Jedi who saw the good in me when even I could not see it. Fear alone will test your resolve. But a Jedi must always strive forward against that fear no matter what. Heed these words, young Jedi. The road ahead may be long and arduous, but always find peace within yourself. There will always be dark times. The temptation of the Dark Side will always linger. But let my example show you that fear can always be overcome whether by self or with the help of others. Always remember that no matter how far you may fall, there will always be a glimmer of hope that may light your path.

As the holoprojection of Juhani spoke, the Kybuck Clan and Luz were in shock. Eda was taken aback.

Eda: Huh. So THAT'S how you open those things. 

Katooni: What do you mean? 

Eda: I've got a ton of those things back in the Owl House. Was gonna sell them, but I could never get the damn things to activate so I use them as book holders.

Huyang: Miss Clawthorne, a Jedi Holocron is a sacred artifact containing priceless knowledge. 

Petro: And we're NOT selling them so don't even think about it, Grandma!

Eda: You can keep those Holowhatevers. Back at it! We'll hit the stink nodes first.

Luz: Actually, if it's okay, I think I'll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still... alive. Love you, King.

Luz then pats King's belly and heads off into the forest. The Kybuck Clan decided to join her, seeing an opportunity to get out of digging through Trash Slug biles. But what they didn't know was that they would find a new friend.

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