Chapter Eight - The Quest

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As Katooni, Petro and Gungi joined Luz, they made their way to a forest towards Bonesborough. While Luz was excited at the prospect of completing a magical quest, the three Jedi became cautious.

Luz: Okay. Got my scroll, got my youthful optimism, got my trusty weapon.

Luz then pulls out the toy sword and presses the button. The sword ran out of batteries, but Luz still used it. As they moved deeper in the forest, Katooni and Petro along with Gungi kept their Lightsabers ready. Soon enough, the group reached a village full of cats wearing clothes and walking on two legs. Luz walks through the village, beaming as she looks around. She approaches a fountain in the middle of a square, from which a witch with a sword strapped to his waist emerges, flipping wet hair out of his face. 

Gungi: <That's....odd.>

Petro: No kidding, big guy. 

???: I see. So you're the Chosen One. The Celestial Staff should've picked me, Nevareth Bladestrife, Teen Prince of Angstmore.

Luz: Yes. Yes, I did make the right choice.

As Nevareth tells the trio of his backstory, the three young Jedi were unimpressed as well as suspicious while Luz was in awe.

Luz: Nevareth, your vengeful backstory is so compelling. And I'm lovin' your animal sidekick.

Nevareth: After my village was consumed, my heart has known nothing but vengeance.

Petro: Jeez....what a total Sith! 

Katooni: Something's not right about all of this....

Petro: You don't have to tell me twice....

As they kept walking through the forest, they complete several small trials. Katooni, Petro and Gungi grew more and more suspicious of what was going on. Something about this entire quest was out of place. Eventually, they appeared at what seemed like the end of the quest as the Celestial Staff could be seen standing on a platform in the middle of a lake.

Nevareth: Go on, Chosen One. The Celestial Staff is yours. You've earned it.

Luz: Let's do this...

But before Luz could step into the lake, Katooni stopped her. 

Katooni: I'll get it for you. 

Fairy: But only the Chosen One may claim the Staff.

Nevareth: You are not worthy.

Petro: Can it, pretty boy. I'm a friend of the Chosen One so back off!

Katooni: It is not for you to decide of who is worthy nor do you decide who is the "Chosen One". That is for the Will of the Force to decide.

Luz: Don't worry, guys. We'll do it together. 

With that, Katooni, Petro and Gungi stepped into the lake. The Jedi kept their hands on their Lightsabers. As they approach the edge of the lake, a glowing comes from the water, followed a few seconds later by a stone walkway rumbling into place, connecting the edge of the lake and the central platform.

Luz: I knew this world wasn't all gloom and doom like Eda and King said. There is wonder here. And I... I think I came here for a reason.

Luz looks upon the Staff with wonder in her eyes. The three Jedi Younglings glance back to see Nevareth and the others not making a move. As Luz picked up the Staff, she smiles. 

Luz: Yes! I am the Chosen One! I knew it! I always suspected there was a reason nobody understood my wacky antics back at home. Now I have concrete proof!

As Luz said this, the staff disintegrates, the dust blowing away in the wind. As shock and confusion gripped Luz and the three Jedi. Suddenly, Adegast appears.

Adegast: Luz, the human.

Luz: Magical wizard?

Petro: I knew that sleemo was bad news!

Adegast: Your hubris has failed you, Witch Apprentice.

Adegast lifts the wizard puppet to reveal an octopus-like demon. The ground begins to crack. At the same time, the traveling companions from before arise from the stone, a tentacle in each of their backs. They're lifted in the air and surround Luz and the Jedi. Meanwhile back at the Owl House, Zatt, Ganodi and Byph wait for Luz and the others to return. As hours pass, the Jedi become anxious. 

Byph: They've....they've been gone for too long!

Ganodi: Byph's right. I don't like this! Something must've happened! We should never have let them go alone!

Zatt: There's nothing we can do about it now. If that Wizard really intends to hurt them, then we're going to need a plan. 

???: And what would that be?

As the voice called out, the three Jedi were approached by Professor Huyang. They immediately became nervous.

Ganodi: O....oh! Professor Huyang! are you?

Huyang: It seems that Miss Noceda has gone missing. Miss Clawthorne has gone out to look for her. But it seems Miss Noceda is not the only one missing. I see that Katooni, Petro and Gungi are missing. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

At this point, the three Jedi realized that there was no point in trying to lie to Professor Huyang.

Zatt: They....they went to help Luz meet up with that Wizard. 

Huyang: Is that so?

Byph: Y...yeah. But they've been gone for a long time. We....we fear something may have happened!

Huyang: Then we must step in to help. Do you have an idea of where they might've gone. 

Ganodi: Yeah. We all took a good look of the map when Luz lit it up. We know exactly where they'll be. 

Huyang: If they are in any sort of danger, then we must help them anyway we can.

With that, Professor Huyang and the rest of the Kybuck Clan exited the Owl House. They then set out on their mission to rescue Luz and their fellow Jedi. 

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