Chapter Sixteen - The Witch's Duel

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After Luz challenged Amity to a Witch's Duel, Luz and King along with the Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang meet up with Eda. They quickly learn that Amity was the top protégé of Lilith who was also Eda's estranged sister. With the Witch's Duel drawing closer, Eda begins training Luz in preparation for the duel. Professor Huyang was quick to give her some tips. Despite their best efforts, it was clear that Amity was more skilled at magic. At that point, Luz began freaking out.

Luz: I can't believe I'm gonna have to stop learning magic!

Eda: Listen to me, Luz. We are not gonna let those snobs win that easy! We are not gonna let them win at all. I've got an idea.

The Kybuck Clan looked outside to see the Witch's Duel being prepared. As Amity entered the space where they would duel, it was clear that the crowd was in Amity's favor. They watch as Amity summons an Abomination twice the size of the one she summoned back at Hexside.

Petro: I hope you got a good plan, Grandma.

Eda: Don't worry, kid. This'll teach those prissy little snobs a lesson! Because unlike them, we'll be smart. In fact, you can help me out, kid. 

Petro: How so?

Eda: We're gonna go around placing some little traps all around the arena. We just need to get that Blight girl to step on them. You can use your magic hand thing to place some traps in aresa just next to Little Miss Perfect. 

As Eda proposed this, Luz along with the rest of the Kybuck Clan and Huyang were quick to voice their disapproval. 

Luz: But isn't that cheating?

Eda: Sometimes you have to bend the rules. That's what separates us from them.

Gungi: <But this is a duel bound by honor!>

Petro: Alright, Grandma. I'm in. 

Katooni: Petro! You can't be serious! 

Petro: What? We'd be helping Luz out. You really want that spoiled little princess to beat Luz and prevent her from learning magic? 

Gungi: <I'm sorry, but I cannot stand by this. This duel is one of honor. If we do this, how are we no better than them?>

Huyang: Gungi is right, young Petro. Cheating is not the Jedi Way. 

Byph: Y...yeah! We're Jedi! We're better than that!

Eda: C'mon, kid! Let's get these traps set up before the match starts!

Before Petro could say anything, Eda drags him away. As Petro and Eda began setting the Glyph traps, Luz speaks to the rest of the Kybuck Clan. 

Luz: I...I don't know about this. This doesn't feel right. I know Eda just wants to help me, but I don't think this isn't the right thing to do.

Gungi: <Mission and Eda mean well, but they must understand that doing this is wrong. Challenges like these must be honored and respected.> 

Luz: I....I want to be trained as a Witch so badly....but not like this....

Huyang: I'm sure Petro and Miss Clawthorne will realize that too....

Meanwhile, Eda and Petro had finished setting up the traps with Petro using the Force to discretely but a few Glyphs next to Amity.

Petro: You sure this is a good idea, Eda? 

Eda: Of course it is! They look down on us! And I already know that Lilith's plotting something.

Petro: You two really don't like each other. Mind telling me what that's about?

Eda: It's a complicated story that I don't want to tell. Now let's get back before someone catches us. The duel's about to start! I can't wait to see the look on all those snobs when our Luz takes down that Blight girl down a notch!

With that, Petro and Eda make their way back to the stands just as the Witch's Duel commences. Hesitantly following Eda's instructions, Luz performs a series of hand and arm gestures as she leads Amity to the traps, setting them off. Amity was caught off guard by this.

Amity: How are you doing that?

Luz: Wait, Amity! Don't get any closer!

Amity: Why, Luz? What happens if I step closer?

As the duel continues, Petro uses the Force to grip two of the traps. When he begins discretely moving them towards Amity, Katooni stops him. 

Ganodi: Are you sure this is a good idea, Petro? 

Petro: You don't think Little Miss Perfect has a few traps in store for Luz? We're just leveling the playing field.

Huyang: You may be right, but that doesn't mean we need to stoop to their level. A Jedi is above the quick and easy path. 

Zatt: The Professor is right, Petro. You're better than this. 

Petro: I'll admit that this might be shady, but if Luz loses, she'll be forced to stop learning magic! That would devastate her!

Gungi: <But this is not the way. By doing this, you robbed Luz of an honorable victory. If she wins because of you and Eda, then this is not her victory.>

Petro sighs as he knew deep down inside that they were right. 

Petro: I hate it when you're right. 

Petro then uses the Force to crush the traps, rendering them useless. It was at this moment that Amity realized what was going on.

Amity: I knew it! You were cheating!

Lilith: Oh, Eda. I do believe this means you lose!

Luz: It wasn't my idea to cheat. And when I found out, I tried to stop it, but...

Amity: Who would believe anything you have to say?

As Amity walks away, Petro notices something in Amity's neck. He immediately walks up to Amity and grabs her.

Amity: Let me go!

Petro then yanks out the Power Glyph on Amity's neck.

Petro: Looks like we weren't the only ones cheating. 

Eda: Well what do we have here? A Power Glyph from the Construction Coven.

The crowd was shocked at how Amity seemed to cheat. But Amity was unaware of this.

Eda: Ah-ha! Yes, yes, yes-yes-yes! You cheated. Perfect, prissy Lilith cheated. Hot dang, I love Coventions! La-la-la--

Lilith: I only did that because I knew you would cheat!

Eda: Still cheated! Welcome down to my level!

Huyang: That is an....odd thing to celebrate, Miss Clawthorne. 

As Amity process this, she was in disbelief as she was unaware of this. As Luz approaches her, Amity attempts to run off, but Luz stops her. As Luz tries to make peace with Amity, it was at this point that something clicked in Amity. For reasons she didn't know, she found herself respecting Luz. The Kybuck Clan watched as Luz and Amity seemingly make peace. It wasn't long before Eda arrives. 

Eda: We gotta go.

Luz: Do you think I'll ever be a true witch?

Eda: What? I don't know. And who's a true witch? These suckers? According to them, that means being in a coven, but I never joined one and I'm better than all of them combined. You gotta be your own witch.

Luz: My own witch.

Eda: Now, let's go before my sister realizes I tied her pointy shoes together.

As everyone began leaving, Katooni spoke with Petro.

Katooni: You made the right choice, Petro. 

Petro: What can I say? I have my moments. 

Katooni chuckled, proud that Petro ultimately chose not to cheat. With that, the Kybuck Clan returned to the Owl House, eager to rest. 

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