Chapter Fifteen - Covention

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At Eda's Human Collectibles stand, Eda was trying to sell her Human treasures. While waiting for customers to arrive, Luz was reading Azura to King while Professor Huyang was looking over a Holocron with the Kybuck Clan. It wasn't long before Luz joined them. 

Luz: So these Holocrons contain teachings from others like you all? 

Huyang: Correct, Miss Noceda. Now let us see what knowledge this one holds....

As Huyang activates the Holocron, a holoprojection of Orgus Din appeared before the Kybuck Clan and Luz. Luz was in awe of this. 

Luz: Wow....

Huyang: Master Orgus Din: a distinguished Jedi Master in the days of the Old Republic. He was the master of the Hero of Tython! 

Katooni: The Hero of Tython? That's...that's amazing!

Orgus Din(Holoprojection): Since our war with the Sith began, the Jedi have been waist deep in dirt and fear and blood. Since the Sacking of Coruscant, the war has only gotten uglier. And Dark Times will arrive. It's so easy to forget why you're fighting. Defending the Republic, vanquishing the Sith, those are services to life, to people. Not ends unto themselves. It is important to remember that when facing down the darkness, a Jedi above all else be a light in the darkness. 

As the holoprojection of Orgus Din spoke, Luz was at a loss of words. 

Luz: Whoa...just like when Azura learned from the spirit of her fallen mentor!

Petro: Um....something like that. 

Soon enough, the Kybuck Clan and Luz spotted Willow and Gus near Eda's Stand with smiles on their face.

Katooni: Hello Willow and Gus. 

Gus: Something amazing is happening today!

Willow then shows off a flyer to Luz and the Kybuck Clan.

Willow: It's the annual covention! Student witches get to see all the types of covens before they're placed in one. There's even a mystery guest this year!

Luz: A job fair for witches! Eda, can we go?

Eda: Absolutely not. I never joined a coven for a reason. Sure it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system.

Ganodi: I don't see why not. It's not like anybody is flocking here to buy this junk.

Eda: Says the one who just hawked a piece of junk for free. I should charge you for that thing.

Huyang: Holocrons are not pieces of junk, Miss Clawthorne! They are relics with priceless knowledge! 

Luz begins to zero in on this as she begins reading Azura to make Eda crack. Eda relents and decides to take them to the covention being held. Eda wears a cowl to keep a low profile. As they entered the building, Gus begins informing the others about the nature of the coven system. Eventually, the see a display for the Emperor's Coven. Remembering her past encounters with members of the Emperor's Coven, the Kybuck Clan kept their guard up. As they watch a presentation from Principal Bump, a woman named Lilith appears on stage. 

Eda: C'mon. Let's bail. 

Gungi: <Do you know that woman?> 

As the Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang prepare to leave with Luz, Eda and King, they bump into Amity.

Amity: Watch where you-- Oh, it's you. Willow's... Abomination thing.

Luz: Uh... Hey, Amity. So, funny story. Not an Abomination. Sorry for the confusion last week. I-I'm Luz. The human. Hi!

As Luz attempts to greet Amity, she becomes hostile.

Amity: Ugh. Put that away. You're the one that got me in trouble with Principal Bump and I never get in trouble.

Petro: You did that to yourself, you little psycho!

 Amity: And don't get me started on you lot! 

Byph: There's...there's no need to be hostile. 

As all this happened, King had dropped a cupcake he was about to eat. In an act of spite, Amity steps on the cupcake.

Luz: What's your problem?!

Amity: Because you, your friends and your pet are giving witches in training a bad name.

Petro: Well we're not Witches, you spoiled little Schutta! We're Jedi! 

Amity: Of course you'd resort to making up a title to make yourself feel better. 

Luz: Just like The Good Witch Azura said when facing down her rival Hecate at the Bog of Immediate Regret... I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!

As Luz issues the challenge, the entire building fell silent. Amity lets out a smug smirk.

Amity: I accept. Let's set the terms for this duel, shall we?

Luz: One, if I win, you apologize to King for squashing his cupcake. And insulting my friends! And two, you admit that humans can be witches too.

Amity: Fine by me. But when I win, not only do you have to tell the whole covention you're not a witch, you have to stop training forever.

Petro: She doesn't need to be a Witch! She can always be a Jedi! 

Gungi: <But she can't use the Force.>

Amity: Now are you going to accept the terms of the Witch's duel or not, Human? 

Luz holds out her hand. Amity draws a spell circle around it before shaking.

Amity: The everlasting oath is sealed. Meet back inside the theater in one hour. Let's see what kind of witch you are.

Katooni: Your overconfidence is your weakness. It will be your downfall. 

Amity: We'll see about that. And don't even think about interfering, "Jedi". This is between me and the Human. 

Petro: Oh we'll see about that, you little Schutta. 

With that, Luz had accepted the terms of the Witch's Duel. In that moment, Luz now had to prove to everyone that she could be a Witch. But she would not be alone despite Amity's terms for the Kybuck Clan would be by her side. 

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