Chapter Thirteen - Chaos At Hexside

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After helping Willow pass her Abomination display, Gungi and Luz joined Willow at lunch in the cafeteria. Luz and Gungi were still hiding in the Abomination pot while the rest of the Kybuck Clan watched from outside. Gus soon joined them. 

Gus: Hey. Do humans eat PB&J's?

Luz: Oh my gosh I haven't eaten real food in so long please give me some.

Gus breaks the PB&J in half and gives Luz one. She takes the whole thing in her mouth and sinks back into the pot. Willow becomes cautious.

Willow: I don't know, Gus. If Amity saw that...

Before Willow could finish her sentence, Amity jumps on the table.

Amity: I saw that! Abominations don't eat! I know you're in there! You can't hide from me. What are you? Who are you? I want answers!

Amity then grabs Luz from the pot and begins to shake her violently. Gungi begins pulling Luz down while Petro used the Force to push Amity off. The Abomination teacher soon arrives.

Abomination Teacher: Amity Blight. I suspected a twinge of jealousy, but this, this is just sad.

Amity: But I....No! Look at it.

Abomination Teacher: Report to Principal Bump's office. Now.

As Amity walks away, the rest of the Kybuck Clan breath a sigh of relief.

Petro: That was a close one.

Katooni: Too close....

With Amity seemingly being taken care of, the group continued to go about their day. During one of the last classes of the day, Principal Bump arrives.

Principal Bump: Good afternoon, students.

Willow: Principal Bump.

Bump approaches Willow and Gus. Immediately, the rest of the Kybuck become suspicious. 

Bump: Abominations, rise.

Upon hearing that command, Luz and Gungi rise from the pot.

Principal Bump: Abominations, lie.

Luz: Uh, viral fame is a worthy pursuit. Your cat would never eat you if it got the chance.....

As Luz lies, Gungi begins to lie down. Principal Bump immediately takes note of both Luz and Zaalbar's response.

Bump: Oh, no, Abomination. How strange for it to get the command wrong. I mean lie down.

As Bump says this, Luz lies down next to Gungi. Both appeared to be very nervous.

Bump: So very lifelike. When Miss Blight told me about your abomination, I had to come by, see what she's made of.

Willow: Oh, I have her list of ingredients right here.

Bump: No. We were hoping for a closer look.

Bump then pulls out a dagger and hands it to Willow.

Bump: Willow, I'll allow you the first cut.

Willow takes the dagger and slowly approaches Luz and Gungi. Outside, the rest of the Kybuck Clan were freaking out.

Zatt: Oh man this is bad!

Petro: Sithspit!

Bump: Willow, go ahead and make the first incision.

Gus: Wait, Principal Bump! Uh, high five!

Gus knocks over three abomination pots. The goo spills together, and the formed Abominations stand.

Gus: Run!

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