Chapter Seven - Witches Before Wizards

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As the Kybuck Clan followed Luz and King inside the castle, the Jedi immediately had a bad feeling about this. When they reach a room, Luz calls out.

Luz: I....I'm delivering a package from Miss Eda, the Owl Lady. Huh?

Petro: I've got a bad feeling about this....

Suddenly, lanterns around the room flare on, revealing it to be a massive library. They illuminate a grand staircase, above which is a painting of a wizard with the name Adegast underneath it. A man fitting the description of the wizard walks down the stairs. While the Kybuck Clan and King were cautious, Luz smiled.

Luz: Today just got good. A magical wizard!

Petro: More like an old man with pajamas on. 

Adegast: I was in my oscillarium, reading the stars. And who might you be, with eyes full of curiosity?

Luz: I uh....

Adegast: Young lady, dareth I say, I sense something unique about you. Please, won't you join me for tea?

Adegast then summons several several chairs and a white table along with some snacks.

King: Let's scram! Wizards are just old people with glitter in their pockets. I don't trust them.

Katooni: There is something off about this wizard. Maybe we should leave.

Luz: But the stars on his robe are sparkling. And look, there's a baby fox in his beard. Plus I see scones on the table.

Upon mentioning scones, King immediately joins in. Not wanting to leave Luz and King, the Kybuck Clan join Luz. As they sit down, the Jedi kept their guard up in case the wizard tried something.

Luz: Do you sell potions, Sir Wizard?

Adegast: Please, call me Adegast. Ma'am, yes, I run a small business.

King: You should run a small business of more scones into my mouth. Yes!

Adegast: I'm surprised to see you here. It was my understanding that Eda delivered the packages herself.

Luz: Well, I'm kinda, sorta, her apprentice.

Adegast: Oh! And how are you finding the experience so far?

Luz: Can I be honest, Mr. Adegast? When I decided to stay in this magical world, I thought I was meant for something special. But Eda thinks I'm meant for chores and I'm afraid I came to the wrong place.

Adegast: Well, I have a quest....

Upon hearing this, Luz perked up while the Kybuck Clan were hesitant.

Petro: How convenient....

Luz was quick to accept the quest much to the concern of the Kybuck Clan.

Adegast: I might have just the thing. The prophecy speaks of a young human girl who will claim the Celestial Staff and free this world from an ancient evil. Perhaps thou hath cometh here for a reason.

Luz: Perhaps I hath.

Adegast: Should you believe yourself worthy to attempt this quest...

Luz: So worthy. 

Ganodi: You're not seriously thinking of trusting this guy, are you, Luz? This guy is clearly full of Bantha Poo Doo!

Luz: But what if it's true? What if I'm the Chosen One?

King: Neat story, awesome. Anyway, your food is gone and we are, too.

Luz: Yes, we have to go. And pack for this enchanted quest! I'm in.

Adegast: Wonderful.

Upon hearing this, the Kybuck Clan grew more and more suspicious of Adegast's intentions as they left the castle, but not before Luz was given a map. When they got back to the Owl House, Luz was excited.

Luz: So, King, what kind of Chosen One should I be?

King: Huh? What?

Luz: Should I be full of optimism and goodness, like the Good Witch Azura? Or should I be like a bad girl Chosen One with black nail polish and a mysteriously withdrawn attitude?

Zatt: I.....I don't think that's how the "Chosen One" goes. 

It was at that moment that Eda entered the room in a clearly better mood.

Eda: Oh, you guys talking about bad girls? Wait, what's going on?

King: Eda, tell Luz how dumb wizards are.

Eda: Ugh! Wizards are the worst. Never trust a man in casual drapery. Why?

King: Your wizard client told Luz...that she was...a Chosen One!

King then bursts out laughing. It wasn't long before Eda did the same thing.

King: He even gave her a map.

Eda: Let me see this map.

Luz then hands Eda the map. As Eda looks upon the map, she remains unimpressed.

Eda: You didn't think this was real, did you?

Luz: What?

Eda: This map is bunk. There's no lake with a Celestial Staff on the Boiling Isles. I would have stolen it ages ago.

Petro: I knew that old man was conning us!

Luz: Can I have some time alone?

Eda and King respect Luz's wishes and leave the room. Feeling bad, the Kybuck Clan stayed behind to comfort Luz. 

Katooni: I'm sorry, Luz.

Luz: Maybe they were right....

But as Luz says this, sunlight is illuminating one corner of the map, revealing the word "one" in shining blue lettering. Luz holds the entire map up to the light revealing a message.

Luz: "The path will only appear to the worthy." That's why Eda couldn't see it. But am... I really worthy?

Katooni: Luz? 

Luz: I won't know unless I try.

Zatt: Are you sure that's a good idea, Luz? What if that wizard is really pulling a con on us?

Luz: But what if I'm the Chosen One? What if I'm meant for something big?

It became clear to the Kybuck Clan that Luz had her mind set on this.

Gungi: <Maybe we should go with her. Just in case this wizard really does mean to harm Luz.>

Petro: Gungi's right. Katooni, Gungi and I will go with Luz. Everyone else stays behind. 

Zatt: Shouldn't we all go? 

Katooni: Petro's right. If something happens, we'll need someone to warn Eda and Professor Huyang in case that wizard tries anything. 

Petro: Guess that settles it. We got your back, Luz.

With that, Katooni and Petro along with Gungi joined Luz in sneaking out of the Owl House to follow the map to this apparent quest from Adegast while Zatt, Ganodi and Byph stayed behind. Not knowing what to expect, The Kybuck Clan prepared themselves for anything. 

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