💖200 Votes Special💖

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Y'all remember when I said somethin about that Ninjago x Euphoria crossover? Yeah, well it's happening right now, strap in everybody and thank you for 200 votes!!😁💖

✨Nya's Play✨

"Fuck off, this shit is so homophobic." Cole growled stomping down to the darkened hallway

"Wait Cole, I swear I didn't know...!" Jay said as he scurried after the taller boy, his blue boots clicking against the tile

"Bullshit! You and Nya are close, you obviously knew, fuck off!" Cole argued, passing through the doorway before letting the thick, wooden door close behind him

Jay stood at the door, watching Cole walk away. How fucking dare her, she knew how hard he had worked to even stand next to Cole, and Nya had the fucking audacity to pull a stupid ass stunt like this.

The ginger turned around before walking back down the hall with a sort of empty look on his face. He was going to ruin Nya's life like she had ruined his.

The play was still on, Nya, the director, stood behind the curtain watching in awe. Her dreams were coming true, more than that, she was exposing the "popular kids" for what they really were.

Damaged and deranged nobody's.

The heels of his light blue boots clicked loudly on the floor as Jay walked into the auditorium. He kept his eyes glued to the stage as he walked through the audience.

That stupid bitch.

A loud clapping sound interrupted the play and the spotlight was placed on Jay, who strode onto the stage with confidence, or as others saw it, reckless motives. The audience mumbled quick questions but otherwise stood still as Jay walked along the stage, a small smile grazing his face.

"Wow Nya, you outdid yourself, huh?" Jay smiled, turning to the audience as he spoke again, "I mean, these rip-offs are just fantastic!"

"I mean, I had no clue Nya of all people could do something like this. Isn't she brave? Putting herself out there and whatnot." The ginger continued

From behind the curtains, Nya shook with emotions she could barely even identify. Rage, fear, hate, helplessness. Ah, Jay certainly was a character, to be able to bring out this kind of emotion out of Nya was truly a skill to envy. But at what cost?

"Aw, I had no idea how hard her life was. Honestly, imagine how brave she is, putting all of her trauma up front like this. Can we get a round of applause for how hard Nya's life is?" Jay spoke out into the crowd. The people responded with cheers and claps, showing their approval of Nya while Jay had completely different plans in mind

"Um no offense, but is this a part of the play?" A boy in the audience asked, causing everyone to repeat the same question to the ones nearby them

"Hm, is this part of the play? Well I don't know, let's ask the director!" Jay said turning back to the curtains to go and find Nya, who begged to stay in the shadows

"Jay stop, please stop! Stop!" Nya whispered as the redhead dragged her out from behind the curtain and onto the stage, front and center

"I should stop? I should stop? I'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you!" Jay said, his patience finally wearing thin

Nya had always wanted to stand up to Jay, but in times like this, it seemed she couldn't find her voice

"I didn't mean-"

"Bullshit! Then what the fuck is this?" Jay screamed, silently waiting for an answer that never came.

Jay loved Nya, the two had always been close, but if there was anything she should've been doing, it was begging for mercy. The way that she even had the audacity to ask him to stop while she had just ruined something he had wanted for so long made him want to beat the black haired girl to death

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