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"I'm thinking," Yoon Jay announced suddenly, in the middle of Yoohan's evening movie watching.

Yoohan glanced disinterestedly at the man that lounging beside him in the big sofa, long legs propped casually on the table amidst scattered documents and scripts. His eyes came back into the screen, waiting patiently for the man to continue.

But Jay remained silent, and Yoohan could feel a gaze piercing his side. The actor sighed and finally asked. "Thinking about what?"

"A name," Jay flashed a satisfied smile, and laid himself on the sofa, using the protesting Yoohan's thigh as a pillow. He twirled the card-size paper on his hand, wide grin plastered on his handsome face. "For our son."

Yoohan looked down at Jay, feeling amused. Jay had been a bundle of joy ever since their ob-gyn visit yesterday for Yoohan's mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Jay had been staring and fiddling with the sonogram like it was an important investment proposal since yesterday. 

It was amusing.

Yoohan felt like he'd been watching a child being overjoyed after getting a new toy he always dreamt of.

There was no countenance of the cold and calculating Executive Director of Dream Entertainment. The man had been smiling and grinning and being so so gentle that Yoohan actually growing sick of it. Jay even took a day off work, and pampered Yoohan with so much affection it started to get scary.

It reminded Yoohan of those days they knew Yoohan got pregnant for the first time. While Yoohan was busy getting bewildered and distressed upon the unplanned pregnancy, Jay was beside himself with happiness.

Yoohan was calmer now, so he could laughed and feeling amused at how excited Jay was. He really was a manchild. It was nice though, knowing that at least one of them was that excited about having another life. Of course, the one that would have to bear all the hardship of carrying this new life was Yoohan. But knowing that his partner ready to go all out on supporting him was a great boost.

Honestly, Yoohan used to think Jay wouldn't want a baby with all the possessiveness he had shown. But when Yoohan asked the man after, Jay just said "Why wouldn't I want a mini you?" which was baffling and absurd.

"What if they don't look like me?"

"They will look like you, I just know it."

Yoohan had decided not to bother with Jay's logic anymore. When they knew it was a boy, Jay looked even more chipper. He didn't show much outwardly, but after years of living together, Yoohan felt the shift of mood as clear as a day. And it was even more apparent once they were back home.

"Isn't it too early to decide on one?" Yoohan tilted his head.

Jay looked up at him and pinched his omega's cheek. "That's why I said I'm thinking, not deciding. Why don't you pitch in a name too, hmm?"

Yoohan shifted his head to escape Jay's pinch and hold the man's hand securely to prevent further attempt. Jay twisted his hand and intertwined their fingers instead. Yoohan scrunched his nose and cringed.

"You're being disgusting these days."

Jay just laughed until his dimples seemed to be craved permanently there; because even though Yoohan said that, he didn't let go of their tangled fingers, which is quite cute. Jay pulled Yoohan's hand and put it on his hair, while he nuzzled against Yoohan's abdomen.

Sighing contentedly, Jay rubbed his face on Yoohan's sweater, and Yoohan couldn't help but feeling that Jay was kind of cute. Guess I'll indulge him a little. The actor swiped his fingers on Jay's hair and stroked it softly.

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