[Beasts with no Chain]

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Waking up with your partner on top of you was a regular occurrence for Lee Yoohan. Such was a price of having a mate with high sexual drive. He had used of being embraced every night for years, waking up daily with a tight hold on his waist and soft breathing on his nape, suffocating and comforting at the same time. He had used to the warmth of his alpha enveloping him.

He wasn't used, however, on waking up being enveloped on a snowstorm of pheromone and his alpha looking down at him like a hungry predator. From the little growl coming out of the man's throat, he might as well.

Yoohan took a deep breath, and a dose of heavy pheromone with it, tickling him everywhere. He couldn't help but gulp; of fear, of arousal, didn't matter. Jay was breathing hard, flushing slightly, pale eyes blazing with lust and hunger. Without even looking down, Yoohan knew his lower half had been stripped bare, and he could feel the hard excitement of the alpha pressing on his thigh.

"You're...in a rut?"

The only answer Yoohan got was a dangerous glint on the pale orbs, and a lick on the alpha's lips.

Oh. Yoohan felt himself twitched down there.

And Jay probably felt it too, because Yoohan heard a low laugh, something that was quite different than Jay's usual playful one, before his sense was being bombarded with heavier snow, and his lips was consumed.

"Ah, wait, this is not—mmh—your usu—nggh..." Yoohan tried to collect his thought, as hard as it was amidst the heavy scent and the tongue swirling inside his mouth, not to mention the hands running around his skin, sneaking inside his pajamas top.

Even then, Yoohan was pretty sure that today wasn't supposed to be Jay's cycle. Unlike Yoohan who was basically a random chance of nature, Jay had never strayed off his rut schedule. The man was so organized that he had office protocol just for his rut leaves. And he always knew when his cycle would arrive, drink medicine before so he had it under control, and told Yoohan beforehand. Before they were bonded, Jay even reserved hotel room for Yoohan to stay at for the duration of his rut.

So why was it that Jay suddenly woke up with a rut? It wasn't because of Yoohan spending five weeks on filming site before this...right? Not because they couldn't have sex for quite a long time...right?


"Haa...have you—mmh...Jay..." Yoohan put his hand on the alpha's shoulder, pushing him a little, and Jay was growling in protest. "Jay!" Yoohan grabbed on the alpha's cheek and yanked the man off his neck. The pale eyes glint with a hint of fury, just a tiny bit, but Yoohan flinched nonetheless. "Have you...inform Dream?"

The alpha blinked and looked at him blankly. "No." He answered shortly, without even appeared like he had any plan to call the office, lowering his head to kiss Yoohan again.

"Ugh," Yoohan groaned, and turned to look at the bedside table for his phone. He managed to reached for it as Jay dove back into his neck. By the time Yoohan managed to find Chief Park's number, Jay had lifted his pajama and peppered his chest with deep kisses that totally intended to leave as many marks as possible.

Yoohan had been worried that Chief Park wouldn't answer the phone this early in the morning. But his call was picked up almost immediately. [Y-yes?] The voice was hoarse, typical of people who just woken up, but Yoohan could hear the slight panic there. The poor man probably had developed pavlovian reaction to any call from Jay and Yoohan—especially the one made during such ungodly hour.

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