[Yoon Jay - Miracle is meant to be worshipped]

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He cried.

Why was he crying?

Before the sound of sob could be heard, it was the warm trickle of tears that I caught; hot in my skin. The heat was spreading from the place they were falling to, sneaking and tickling my heart before I knew it.


I never felt this before. I care not for how he looked but the delicious tightness of his body. But now, I wished he took off that ridiculous rabbit mask. I wanted to see his face. This sad sound that made me sad. What kind of face did he make inside that stuffy rabbit costume?

He made no sound but the soft sob and repressed moan of pain. It made me want to hear him crying and moaning in pleasure. The low voice that boldly asking for sex even though it was clear that this was his first time being penetrated.

Who were you rabbit?

Why were you sad?

Why did you make me sad?

Ah, I should brought him to the States. Kept him with me. Perhaps I would know then.

I held him for a bit after we were done. He was warm. I wonder what he would smelled like if he had a scent. Well, didn't matter, not that I could use pheromone during sex anyway. And this guy's probably a beta.

But when I told him to take that mask off, he suddenly got off me, the feeling of his tight wall leaving me was akin to a loss. This was funny; I felt so attached suddenly to this person whom I just met half an hour ago. Was it because I heard him cry? Because I felt sad because of him? I had never met someone who affected me this much before.

I told him I'd pamper him if he obedient and came to me, but the man asked me something instead, something about retribution. What a funny guy.

And then he hit me, right on my injured arm. And threw money on me.

Fuck it was hurt. Definitely not an omega.

So I blazed my pheromone, fully intending to incapacitate him. I was pissed; more because I was being defied than being hit. I blasted him with an intensity meant to deal with alpha, something to the level that can be felt even by betas.

But he wasn't going down.

I watched, rather flabbergasted, as he panted against the door. The rabbit mask finally fell off, and I could see a painted hair; blond, fair skin.

That was...

I walked slowly towards him, feeling like I was in a trance. As if he was calling me. And as I came closer, I knew why.

There was a scent. Sweet. Sweet and bitter, bewitching, beckoning. It was faint, fleeting, but it was there, coming from the man who looked back with a flushed face.


Not as pretty as other omegas, but pretty nonetheless, with his black eyes flickering and lashes fluttered, looking at me like he was confused of what happened. The black orbs following me as I put my hand on the door.

"What, so you're not a beta?"

The scent was getting stronger, and it coaxed my pheromone further, as if to challenge me, as if to seduce me. Something in him demanded my pheromones, and kept asking for more. It was already at a level where it could send people into pheromone-shock.

I caught him as he slumped into my arms. But instead of showing dread like most people do, he shifted into my chest. Instead of scrambling off calling me a monster, he clutched into my shirt, and brought his face closer.

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