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"You're going where?!"

Yoohan's beta server coworker stood up and slammed the table in a spur of surprise emotions. Yoohan too, was surprised at this reaction. But he got back to wiping the spoon in front of him with a shrug. "The States."

The beta server opened and closed his mouth soundlessly, only managing to make a voice after more than a minute had passed. "Why? How? So sudden?!"

Yoohan only replied with a nod. That day, he came to hand in his notice and told his coworkers that he would quit in two weeks' time--enough time for the bar to look for another worker to replace him.

It had been almost three months since the last time Jay asked him about a passport. Well, unfortunately for the alpha, Yoohan didn't have one. He had to patiently wait until Yoohan processed one, and then wait again until Yoohan got his visa.

It wasn't that long really, since Jay had already prepared the necessary documents stating Yoohan's treatment plan and college admission--and of course, a sponsorship declaration. But Yoohan wasn't exactly in a hurry to leave Korea, so he did everything as slowly as a third-world bureaucracy could.

What could Yoon Jay do, anyway? It wasn't like the man had too much free time to fly to Korea again and dragged his lazy ass to the immigration office.

But this was as much as Yoohan could delay. Once the passport and the visa were in his hand, a place ticket accompanied it. His last resort in delaying his departure was to use the bar's short staffing as an excuse.

"Hmm..." Yoohan's alpha bartender sunbae tilted his head while checking on the stock in the drawer. "You did say you're looking for a place to practice some English when you come here, is this why?"

Yoohan pressed his lips, feeling like he had just found out. While he didn't want to think that he really needed to go abroad, he also couldn't shove away the sharp glint in those pale eyes. He knew Yoon Jay meant every word and...if that was the case, Yoohan just thought it would be good to be prepared.

But then again, he also thought there was no harm in having a bit of a skill. He knew he was stupid, and among everything, his English was the worst, so...

Also...just in case that damn alpha tricked him using fancy foreign words...

Yes, yes that was it. It was just for precaution, nothing more.

Yoohan pursed his lips as he tried to gaslight himself, but who would buy it except for the man himself? Not his coworkers, at least.

"What? So you had been planning for this for that long?" the beta server widened his eyes.

"I'm not exactly planning for it," Yoohan grumbled, rubbing the fancy silverware for VIP customers rigorously.

The alpha sunbae approached the table after finishing his checklist, observing Yoohan's face; the pursing lips and a slight pink on his nape.

"I see," the sunbae put his clipboard on the table, chuckling. "It's that alpha isn't it? The one coming here on your birthday?"

The pursing lips stiffened, and Yoohan's rigorous silverware cleaning stopped. The beta server, who was still rather skeptical before, stood up again dramatically at Yoohan's suspicious reaction.

"It's true?!" he yelled loudly, eliciting a glare from Yoohan. Ignoring the prickling stare, the beta server turned toward the alpha bartender. "How do you know, hyung?"

"An alpha reeking of money looking for him and suddenly he's moving abroad? Is there even a need to speculate much?" the sunbae shrugged.

Yoohan clicked his tongue and continued with his cleaning--moving to the glass now. He was only here to help with monthly general cleaning and told them he was leaving soon--not for interrogation. And now he felt rather annoyed.

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