[Not every present come with a ribbon]

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"You should still get yourself checked."

"We're still talking about this?" Yoohan groaned, still sleepy and exhausted and didn't want to wake up just to have a whole ass conversation he didn't like.


The voice was, however, sounded kind of serious. It made Yoohan opened his eyes. The guest room where they use to sleep temporarily—because neither of them had any willpower to clean up their mess—was already flooded with sunlight. Jay was sitting on the bed, brushing Yoohan's fringe; hair already combed and dressed for office.

"Ugh...you're already working?"

Jay brushed the younger's lips before kissing it lightly. "This is the first time we're both in heat, without suppressant. We don't know what it'll do to your body."

"You worry too much." Yoohan rolled on the bed, feeling lazy, feeling like he just wanted to lie down.

"You already warm."

"I just have a headache. Probably because I'm not hydrating much." Yoohan mumbled into the pillow. Well, one did not usually had enough leeway to think about anything during heat. Especially without suppressant.


Ugh. Yoohan hated that tone. Jay used that if he wanted to scold him. It was weird that this man seemed to have no qualm about being rough or exhausting him during intercourse. Jay didn't even care about his wound opening up in the hospital a long time ago. But when it was something about his genetic, about the inside of his body, he was persistent. It reminded him of their first meeting, when Jay dragging him to the hospital.

Sighing to the pillow, Yoohan got up languidly and stretched himself. "Next month. It's my biannual check up anyway."

A firm hand pinched his chin and dragged his face to the side. "I'll give you until next week or I'll carry you there myself."

On that note, and with another kiss, Yoohan was left sprawled on the bed. His head was pounding.

And his heart was in a mess.

Without any distraction, laying idly on the bed, Yoohan couldn't help having his mind being flooded about their conversation last night. Now that his memory was getting even clearer about what transpired during their heat, Yoohan kind of felt overwhelmed.

They had never talked about having kids before. Honestly, the both of them didn't seem to be the kind of people that might think about building a family. Yoohan was too aloof and too busy maintaining his chaotic physique. Jay...Jay seemed too obsessed with Yoohan to be thinking about having other human existing between them.

And there was the case about their upbringing. Yoohan had been growing up thinking it would be enough if he could just survived the battle inside his body. Jay was probably didn't care much about siring an heir. Both of them came from dysfunctional family, from broken home that broke them too in some way. Family was an unreliable concept for them.

These thought, however, seemed to change after they taste the gratification of becoming a bonded pair. That being said, Yoohan was told that he had almost zero chance of getting pregnant. He might not care before, when he knew staying a hybrid meant no pregnancy. But when he shifted into becoming an omega, he might, might just think he probably could.

Yoohan felt complicated about this. There was a different about knowing you couldn't, with knowing you could but it might never happened.

Before, it was like knowing he couldn't get casted in a production because all the character was female. There was no way he couldn't get the role so why wasted time thinking about it or being annoyed? But now it was like knowing there was a role he could play, but told that he wouldn't be able to get it because other actor had paid to get the role. It felt unfair, and annoying. He might not wanted to get casted, but it was unfair nonetheless.

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