[New Life]

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[You're where?!]

Executive Director Yoon was using the kind of voice he used when a business plan was falling apart; frigid, furious. But his mate could care less about that, answering nonchalantly.

"In the taxi. I'm just informing you so you won't get upset later."

[What do you mean by 'upset later'? I'm upset now!]

"Well, what should I do? Waiting?"

[Yes!] the cold fury had morphed into exasperation now. [Fuck, Yoohan! Can't you just call your manager?]

"Manager's on the site with Hansoo. He won't get here until hours later even if I call." Yoohan spoke as calmly as possible. It's unusual for their role to be reversed. Becoming the one who was calmer between them kind of brought a superior feeling to Yoohan. "Look, there's nothing to worry about. I already called dr. Nam, so he will be waiting for me in the lobby."

[Goddamnit, Yoohan!]

"Right, so I'll wait for you there, okay? I'll call again when I'm situated. Bye."


Yoohan had never closed a phone call from Yoon Jay in the middle ever since that accident where he got stabbed since the alpha would often go ballistic if he did. But he had to now, otherwise, Jay would be able to hear his grunt.

Wow, that's hurt. Yoohan winced at the throbbing feeling on his lower back and abdomen. He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to think of positive things, trying to stay calm and collected. Telling himself over and over again that everything would be alright.

But that doesn't mean Yoohan wouldn't want to curse the way nothing ever ran smoothly in his life.

He wasn't due for another two weeks—well, twelve days—supposedly, and he thought it was alright for Jay to go attending that meeting in Jeju. He also thought it was alright for Jay's uncle—who was supposed to look after him during Jay's absence—to go to the funeral of his old friend. Yoohan had secretly felt pleased to be left alone for a chance.

It was hard to convince Jay that he still could work until he's showing. Even then, Jay had insisted he would be the one to drive Yoohan everywhere. So basically Director Yoon demoted himself to be Lee Taemin's road manager for five months. Such was the perk of being a major shareholder. After the fiasco of Lee Taemin's hiatus announcement—which included the news of their relationship—the man spent more time working from home. It was probably Yoohan's fault too when he went into a craving frenzy at the end of his second trimester. He called Jay so much in the middle of the day to buy him cakes and bingsoo and other sweets that the alpha decided he would just work from home so he could buy anything Yoohan wanted anytime. Yoohan practically never spent his time alone since then.

It was nice being pampered at first. Especially when he experienced those mood swings and morning sicknesses. It was always nice to always have an access to his alpha's pheromone to calm him down and feel better whenever. But being hounded and followed everywhere came to be suffocating sometimes. Jay was already protective even before the pregnancy. And the man became even more protective after. When he had to leave Yoohan for work, he would make sure someone was taking care—or rather, supervising—his mate. So Yoohan had never been alone during his pregnancy.

Jay had been reluctant to leave Yoohan for his business trip, the memory of Yoohan's first heat always haunting him. It was strange, but their life seemed to always run by accident and coincidence. Yoohan was persistent though; he didn't want to be a fragile little omega who hinder their mate's activity. He insisted that he was fine, that there was still enough time. He even threw out wanting to eat halabong just so Jay would proceed with his meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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