[Red String]

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a.n://the first part of this chapter will make more sense if you already read the last chapter of Payback novel (the hospital scene with Myeongshin); so Chairman Kim's dead, MS made a scene at the hospital (I'll write about this someday 😂). But Yoohan is not a rookie at this time, already an established actor.//


Yoohan stared at the door for quite some time, the loud banging of the thing still loud on his ears. It had been done. His revenge had finished. Or what he'd been thought as revenge, although it was probably just his petty ass wanting Myeongshin to suffer too. Didn't matter.

He felt Jay climbing into the bed fully now, just like always. His scent flowing into Yoohan slowly, as the man patted his thigh, calming him down. Yoohan hadn't realized he was emitting pheromone. Guessed he was still quite upset after all. But the cool scent was doing its magic on his nerves, and he slowly slid down into the hospital bed, right into Jay's stretched out arm.

"So your revenge is over now?" Jay asked, long leg sweeping the money Myeongshin threw into the bed earlier, letting them falling like a useless trash.

Mm...Yoohan just hummed, enjoying the cool scent and the gentle patting, slowly closing his eyes.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Yoohan blinked, slowly, while lulled into sleep. The patting now turned into caress on his cheek and hair. That's right, what should he do now? Yoohan used to think he was only doing acting for that goal, for revenge. But he enjoyed it now, and he already had a steady career and reputation—although he had no idea what people would think about him getting stabbed and hospitalized for weeks. God...his schedule would be a mess...

Startled, Yoohan realized then that he had already thought about his future endeavor, even subconsciously. He thought he'd feel empty after everything was over, but he realized that it didn't have to. His guilt might never going away, but his atonement had met salvation when he dreamt of his brother during his week long coma. And then his revenge was over. And so there was no reason and no excuses he could give himself to avoid a little respite in life. An indulgence. Even if he still think he didn't deserve it.

He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling and the view of the alpha caressing him.

His alpha.

Slowly, he opened his mouth. And even with the soft voice akin to whisper, his question reverberated loudly inside the dark, quiet hospital room.

"Do you still want to mark me?"

* * *

It took longer than predicted until Yoohan could be discharged from the hospital. Probably had something to do with them having rigorous exercise on top of hospital's bed when his wound was still wet, tearing it open again, and getting scolded again. It hadn't fully healed even now, but it wouldn't bleed anymore.

There was a stack of new scripts on the living room table, all marked with his name. Yoohan was supposed to pick at least one of those for his next project when he got healed a little bit in the hospital. But Jay—or rather, the Director Yoon—barred all notion of work before he fully healed and out of hospital, so the man had confiscated them.

His first instinct was to peruse them, but he looked at Jay, who stared at him from the bedroom door. And then Yoohan forgot everything. His heart was beating fast as he walked slowly towards the alpha.

There was something they needed to do before he could think about anything else.

It was familiar, the large hands on his cheek and his waist. And then the lips, gentle on his temple.

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