[Time Bomb]

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Yoohan was confused; wearing a very comfortable new clothes that despite being a long sleeves shirt and a tight fitted jeans didn't feel hot; stomach snugged comfortably after a hearty meal that wasn't from convenience store for a change; sitting in a comfortable leathered seat of a luxurious car. His body had never been this comfortable before.

Too bad that his mind wasn't.

The humming sound the alpha made beside him, and the soft tap tap on the sound from his fingers made Yoohan felt he was in some kind of mafia movie or something. Which also made him wondering who was this man really, what kinda thing he did that made him sound as if twenty million won was just a spending money?

"Why do I need to go to the hospital?" Yoohan asked again, for the third time, because the man really liked to edge him by not answering his question.

"Have you ever go to the hospital?"


"A clinic?"


"You know a hybrid needs to have check up at least twice a year?"


And then the conversation ended, and Yoohan bit his cheek, hated the feeling that it was kind of ended like a reprimand of his sloppiness in maintaining standard procedure.

"No one goes for a check up unless something happened." Yoohan pursed his lips, feeling defensive. "You think people have money to burn?"

The man—Jay is it?—snorted. "You had money before, albeit briefly. You burned it for alcohol and drugs."

Fuck. "What the fuck is written in that report of yours?" How could this man had a complete background check on him in a span of one night? More importantly though, why?

"So? I'm waiting for your next excuse."

Yoohan clicked his tongue. "Nothing ever happened. Why would I burn money when my body is perfectly fine?"

"You already have a condition of being insensitive to pheromone, and you're saying you're fine?"

"Never hindered my life before."

"You're just twenty, what life do you even have?" The man chuckled, or probably sneered. Yoohan was too irritated to discern them. "You couldn't even sense your own pheromone. You wouldn't know if you suddenly emit them." The pale eyes turned to look at Yoohan. "And then you'll get into trouble."

Yoohan inhaled, trying to suppress the emotion to surface too much in his face, since it seemed like the man enjoyed it a lot. "I never have to worry about that before I met you." He muttered lowly, intending to shift a blame to the man, but realizing the implication too late until he saw the smile on Jay's face.

"Ah, then I must take responsibility, am I?" The grin on the man's face reminding Yoohan of a mischievous cat he once saw in a movie poster. 

* * *

It was the first time Yoohan had a check up—any check up. He had never before, even for physical wound from his fight. And he certainly never did any regarding his gender. So he felt weird, being examined. Being prodded medically felt almost as uncomfortable as being prodded sexually, he thought. And looking at his...inside, was quite a strange experience. He also had his blood drawn and his urine tested and some other stuffs he couldn't really describe including having strips of card with various color stuck into him.

They did explained it to Yoohan, but he might as well hearing gibberish. Something about hormone level blah blah blah...he almost got bored in the end. Yoohan felt alright—aside from the still present sting on his ass from his recklessness last night—so he just wanted everything to be over, and for Jay to get bored of him quickly. He already put his mind on possible job opening he could try in case he lost the two he currently had halfway to the procedure. So he was quite absentminded when he was seated in front of a doctor like some kind of consulting session, with Jay sitting beside him.

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