The end?

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"Okay, it seams that your eyes and ears have enhanced ten fold." Donnie says. "So that cat dna isnt going to make me sprout cat ears and a tale?" You ask. "Nope all you got from that was the heightened senses and agility. Possably cat claws but that's doubtful." Donnie says. "Well." You show him how your nails had become VERY hard and able to grow. "Wow that's amazing." He says examining them. "Their almost like metal." He says "Yeah it's crazy. But hey I gotta get going I gotta get ready for work." You say getting up. "Oh alright. See you later then." He says. "Yeah." You walk out of the lab and see Raph playing video games with mikey. You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll talk to you later babe." You say. "Hey wait." He says throwing the match so he could talk to you. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Work they called me in." You say. "Dang it! You hardly have to relax." He says. "Yeah well I'm not my own boss like you guys are and can go out whenever. Anyways I'll text you later." You say. "Hey maybe you can see her on patrol tonight." Mikey says. "Tonight? Wait where are you patrolling?" You ask. "You know that really bad part of  New York? With all the ladies in weird cloths?" Mikey asks. "Yeah...Wait dont tell me you guys aren't going to investigate that killer are you?" You ask. "Yeah that guys been killing people for no reason." Raph explains. "Actually he's killing off men who are abusing working women and people on the SA registry. I think he's doing a service." You explained. "Still he need's to be stopped he can't just go around killing people." He says. "Whatever I gotta go." You say walking out. 

At home you put on a black wig with curtain bangs and some heavy makeup. Making sure your eyes are nice and dark. You had bough a sexy ninja costume and to top it off you had a kitsune mask that you bought. You attached it to you hip and looked in the mirror. "Gross, but the men fall for it so it must look nice." You went out your window and used the roof tops to make your way to the meeting spot you had for the customer or you next victim. You waited for an hour and other girls ready to get their job done started to show. "Hey kid you still in the get up?" Some woman in her 30's asks. "Yeah gotta pay bills." You answered shortly. "I understand that. Here want some pot? Don't worry i'm to old for the strong stuff so I only get the week shit." She says handing me the blunt. "Thanks." You take a puff and exhale. Then you see his car pull up and beep twice. You joined him in the car. "Hello beautiful where do you wanna take this?" He asks puffing cigarette smoke in your face. This guy was obese so killing him may be difficult. "I know a place, it's loud and dark." "Alright! Lead the way M'lady!" He says. You gave him the directions while trying to think of a good way to kill him would be. You have a Kunai that you stole from Raph maybe you could get that far enough into his neck. Suddenly you felt his hand get on your thigh and make its way slowly up. You smack it. "Not until we get there." You say. This guy was the last target you had who had killed your mom. Once he was done you could stop killing hopefully. You had finally arrived to an abandoned lot of housed underneath some tracks. You head the doors lock and see that he had swan off the locks so the only form of escape was breaking the window. "Now lets get down to business~" He says grabbing the back of your neck. You slipped the mask on. "Yeah lets." You say grabbing the Kunai and stabbing it through the dudes neck. You watched him struggle and wheeze and right before he died you say. "That was for my mom you sick bastard." You unlocked the door once he stopped moving and ran. You heard someone say "Stop right there!" You knew who's voice it was. "Damn it Leo." You bolted it as quick as you could. Nearby was town square you could loose them their. Before you could one of them jumped in front of you. It was Donnie and he tried to grab you but you used mace. It hurt to watch him suffer but you had to slip away. "Stop them they can't get into the square!" Leo called out. You switched your plan. "Fine if I cant get there down here maybe I can up there." You thought to yourself. You used your claws to climb up a building and run on the rooftops. They chased you all over till you were in an alley way. You were corned and scared. "Who are you?" Leo asks pointing his sword at you. You did the ziped lips motion and this pissed off Raph. He pined you to the wall. "Show us who you are or I'LL do it for you!" That's when you saw it your ticket out of here smoke bombs on the side of his belt. You quickly snack it and break it. While in the fog you slipped away to the roof and hid in a dumpster on the other side of it. Once you were sure they were gone you hoped out of the dumpster and winched in pain. You must have sprained you ankle from the jump. Good thing you had sprained your ankles before and were use to it. You limped home and got into the shower. It felt so good to get all that blood and smell of trash off. Once dry and into your pajamas you flopped onto bed and put ice on your ankle. You text Raph some bull about how you sprained your ankle at work and quit because your boss was a shit bag. "I'm sorry baby do you need me to come over?" You thought for a second. "Nah I'm fine, I'm about to go to bed anyways. How was patrol?" Raph took a while to responded but he left a long text of everything that happened even what happend to don. You played stupid and innocent through it all. "Oh I also noticed that the killer had painted nails." "What does that have to do with anything?" "(Y/n) I know it's you. Your nails are the same color same body type and same god damn perfume." You had to think. "Dude I was at work! Maybe that person and I just have the same style and body type." I didn't hear from him for a while. I thought I had won the argument so I went to sleep. 

Time passed and I was rudley woken up by my light being turned on. "What the hell!" I looked and it was Raph looking pissed while holding my skimpy ninja suit in his hand. "You are a filthy LAIR!" He says throwing it at me. "What the hell! You went through my hamper!?" "You killed all those people!" "They KILLED my MOM!" "They were still people!" "Oh yeah!" You pulled out a file with their crimes. "Look at those crime and tell me if they are people! Those men assaulted kids they touched them! They weren't arrested cause no one believed they could well the killed my mom Rapheal!" "That still doesn't give you the right to kill them!" "Oh yeah?! you guys killed the shredder after he killed your dad! How is what I did any different!" "Shredder deserved it!" "So did they!" The argument rambled on and the screaming match got worse. "You know what SCREW YOU! We're DONE! I can't be with a criminal." "Oh really the same criminal that saved you from a crazy lizard chick? the same one that has loved you unconditionally? Fine be self-righteous like your stupid brother and GO! See if I care!" You shout. "FINE!" "FINE!" He climbs out the windown and you slamb it shut and lock it. You threw the shell phone the turtles gave you and screamed into your pillow. 

Third person POV:
Raph storms into the lair and goes straight to the punching bag and releases all his anger on it but it only made him feel even more angry. "Raph what's wrong?" Leo asks. "Its none of your god damn business!" Raph says punching the punching bag harder. "Can you at least tell me why your crying?" "I'M NOT CRYING SHUT UP!" He says. wiping the tears away. Leo puts a hand on his shoulder. "Raph what's wrong?" Leo asks once more. "(Y/n)- (Y/n) and me broke up. She'd been lying about her job when really she was that killer. She said she's done and that what she did was avenge her mom and help the community. I watched her kill some one Leo! She pepper sprayed Donnie like she didn't care." Raph broke down crying. Leo hugged him and tried to comfort him as best as he could.

Months passed no one heard from (Y/n) she had disposed of her T- phone and her social media was dry. Raph stalked her pages every day. Till one day she posted. It was a picture with her and some other people in the mountains. With the caption. "Meet the fam!" With a bunch of tags in the picture. He stalked their accounts each one of them was struggling with something One guy was struggling with anger, one with a drug addiction, One has ptsd from war and a messed up child hood, one girl was just breaking free from her strict parents, then the other guy was just normal. He even found out she was dating the dude with anger issues. "She freaking replaced us!" 

Every so often he would stalk your page and see you smoking pot in the woods with your friends, drinking or doing something cool and fun. For example there was a video of all you in a Halloween get together. Each of them dressed up as something stupid and you dressed up in a onesie of a panda. There was another video of you in the same outfit twirking to the song Panda with sunglasses on and confetti and money coming down while your friends shouted. 

"Guess you're better off." 

Mr. Red (Raph × Depresed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now